But really, one is enough. Pick a package from the list below, and use it to do something. If you want to use a package not on this list, that’s also ok, but run it by me first (so that I can confirm it’s not one we introduce in class so far, the goal is to work with a new package).

Package list

Packages on CRAN

These packages can be installed with:


The package manuals are linked below, however developers of the packages might have additional information on the GitHub repo of the package.

Packages GitHub only

These packages can be installed with:


USERNAME refers to the user name of the developer of the package. For example, for the first package listed below, USERNAME is hadley and PACKAGENAME is emo.

The package manuals are linked below, however developers of the packages might have additional information on the GitHub repo of the package.

Accessing the assignment repo

Go to the #assignment-links channel on Slack and click on the link for mini-hw-07, and accept the assignment. Note that this is an individual assignment.


  1. Install the package you pick. Depending on where the package comes from, how you install the package differs:
    • If the package is on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), you can install it with install.packages.
    • If the package is only on Github (most likely because it is still under development), you need to use the install_github function. See above for details.
  2. Regardless of how you installed the package you can load it with the library function.

  3. Do something with the package. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, keep it simple. The goal is to try to read and understand the package documentation to be able to carry out a simple task.

  4. Give me a brief narrative of what you did.


Total 10 pts
Package name stated 1 pt
Package successfully installed 1 pt
Task successfully carried out and brief narrative provided 5 pt
Code style and informatively named code chunks 1 pt
Commit frequency and informative messages 1 pt
Overall organization 1 pt