STA114/MTH136: Statistics Lab 3, Jan 25 2001

In lecture we encountered the likelihood function

L(x)=c x10e-3553 x

Let's plot it, in S-Plus and also in Mathematica, in several ways, usually with c=1.

First, S-Plus; start it within Emacs or, for command-line die-hards, try "Splus -e" from the command line. Then, once S-Plus is running, type or cut-and-paste:

  x <- seq(0,0.01,,101);
  f <- x^10 * exp(-3553*x);

  f <- function(x) { x^10 * exp(-3553*x); }

  text(0.007,.7*max(f(x)), "Lab 3: Exponential Survival Model");

Try to figure out two different built-in S-Plus functions (they will be density functions for different distributions) that lead to the same plot as that of f(), but a different vertical scaling.

Now let's try Mathematica. To begin a mathematica session simply type "math"; on ACPUB, mathematica will respond with its input prompt "In[1]:=". Remember, you need to end each line with a SHIFT RETURN to make Mathematica execute the line.

  Plot[x^10 * Exp[-3553*x], {x,0,0.01}]
  f[x_] := x^10 * Exp[-3553*x]

  ss = FindMinimum[-f[Exp[s]], {s,-5}]   (* Now Exp[s] is MLE   *)
  x = Exp[s] /. ss[[2]]                  (* Now x is MLE        *)
  Exp[-365*x]                            (* Point estimate of p *)
                                         (* SO, p ~ 0.357943    *)

  con = Integrate[f[x],{x,0,Infinity}]

  myplot = Plot[ f[x]/con, {x,0,0.01} ]
  Display["!lpr -Psoclp2",myplot]

  Integrate[Exp[-x*365]*f[x]/con,{x,0,Infinity}]  (* What is this? *)
  Quit                                            (* Done! *)