HIV + | Total | |
Treated: | 9 | 200 |
Control: | 19 | 200 |
Here is an S-Plus session to explore this data; try to cut-and-paste:
motif(); # Under Windows, use "graph.sheet();" help.start(); # Nicer, windowed help system p0 <- rbeta(10000,20,182); # Posterior w/uniform prior p1 <- rbeta(10000,10,192); p <- seq(0,1,0.005); # Just points for plotting del <- p0-p1; # Improvement in non-HIV-pos rate rho <- p1/p0; # Relative risk, under treatment hist(p0, prob=T, ncl=20, xlim=c(0,1)); # Quick look at the data... lines(p, dbeta(p,20,182)); # Overlay with beta pdf hist(del, prob=T); # The differences abline(v=0); # A reference line at "p0=p1" summary(del); # Mean, range, etc mean(del); # Just the mean mean(del>0); # Estimate of Pr[ p0 > p1 ] mu <- mean(del); sd <- sqrt(var(del)); # Standard deviation (=sqrt var) x <- seq(min(del), max(del), , 200); # What does this do? y <- dnorm(x,mu,sd); # Normal approximation to differences lines(x,y,col=3); # Does it fit the histogram very well? hist(rho, prob=T); # The ratios abline(v=1); # A reference line at "p0=p1" summary(rho); # Mean, range, etc mean(rho); # Just the mean mean(rho<1); # Another estimate of Pr[ p0 > p1 ] mu <- mean(log(rho)); # Mean of LOG rho sd <- sqrt(var(log(rho))); # Std dev of LOG rho x <- seq(min(rho), max(rho), , 200); y <- dlnorm(x,mu,sd); # LOGnormal approximation to ratios lines(x,y,col=3); # Does it fit the histogram very well?
What did you learn about the effectiveness of this treatment? About how many HIV infections would you expect to be prevented if 1000 HIV-positive women were given this treatment during pregnancy? If treatment costs $1500 per subject, what is the cost per infection prevented? How does treatment affect the infection probability for an individual's child?
The exact probability Pr[p0 > p1] is available from Mathematica using the command
Here are the VA hospital follow-up failure data; what can you say about
A | B | C | |
1992: | 236/520 | 76/186 | 55/134 |
1993: | 190/451 | 74/191 | 74/137 |
motif(); # Under Windows, use "graph.sheet();" help.start(); # Nicer, windowed help system a92 <- rbeta(1000,237,521-236); a93 <- rbeta(1000,191,452-190); b92 <- rbeta(1000, 77,187- 76); b93 <- rbeta(1000, 75,192- 74); c92 <- rbeta(1000, 56,135- 55); c93 <- rbeta(1000, 75,138- 74); lohi <- range(c(a93-a92, b93-b92, c93-c92)); # Overall range of diffs par(mfrow=c(3,1)); # Three plots, one above another hist(a93-a92, prob=T, xlim=lohi); abline(v=0); hist(b93-b92, prob=T, xlim=lohi); abline(v=0); hist(c93-c92, prob=T, xlim=lohi); abline(v=0); # Note setting of "xlim" to common value, so x axes will all line up. mean(a92-a93); # Mean improvement for Hospital A mean(a93 < a92); # Prob of improvement for hospital A mean(b93 < b92); # Prob of improvement for hospital B mean(c93 < c92); # Prob of improvement for hospital C mean( (a93 < b93) & (a93 < c93) ); # Prob that A is best in 1993 mean( (b93 < a93) & (b93 < c93) ); # Prob that B is best in 1993 mean( (c93 < a93) & (c93 < b93) ); # Prob that C is best in 1993
There is much more you can do in S-Plus with these data... have fun with them!