STA114/MTH136: Statistics Lab 9, Mar 29 2001

Today we are going to analyze the asking prices of used Mercedes. The data was taken from the advertising pages of the Sunday Times a few years, and which represent cars for sale in the UK (mainly in and around London) in pounds. The asking prices are classified according to type/model of car, age of car (in six-month units based on date of registration), recorded mileage, and vendor.

Interest lies in explaining price, distinguishing models according to price, depreciation with age and mileage, possible varying depreciation rates across models of car, collinearity issues for age and mileage, possible vendor differences on asking prices, outliers, influential cases, predicting prices

Download data from here

Data columns:

  1. Case number 1,2, .... , n=54
  2. Asking price in pounds (NB: Note the "rounding" up to ..995, etc!)
  3. Type/Model of car (0=model 500, 1=450, 2=380, 3=280, 4=200)
  4. Age of car in six-month units (based on advertised registration date)
  5. Recorded mileage (in thousands of miles)
  6. Vendor (0,1,2,3 are different dealerships, 4 means sale by owner)

# Read in pollution data 
merc <- read.table("mercedes")
i    <- order(merc[,5]); merc <- merc[i,]  # Sortin order of mileage
y    <- log(merc[,2])                      # Why *log* price?  (NB: # not $)
mod  <- merc[,3]                           # Model: 0=500, 1=450, ..., 4=200
age  <- merc[,4]                           # Age in units of 6-mo
mile <- merc[,5]                           # Mileage in thousands
vend <- merc[,6]                           # Four different vendors

Mod <-  as.factor(mod)			# Treat as category, not number
plot( mile, y,
xlab="Miles",ylab="Log Price",type='n')	
# fit lines for 5 different models
for (j in 0:4) {
    ok <- mod==j;			   # ok is a boolean variable
    points(mile[ok], y[ok], pch=paste(j), col=j+1);
    fit <- lm(y[ok]~mile[ok]);
    abline(fit, col=j+1);

# fit the line with Mod as a factor variable

fit  <-  lm( y~ Mod + mile , x=T)

plot( mile, y, xlab="Miles",ylab="Log Price",type='n')
for (j in 0:4) {
   ok <- mod==j; 
   lines(mile[ok],fit$fitted.values[ok],col=j+1 );

# now predictions ..
pre <- predict.lm(fit,
plot( mile, y, xlab="Miles",ylab="Log Price",type='n')
for (j in 0:4) {

# .. and again with pointwise 95% intervals ...
# compute mean and S.E. of predictive distns 
# look at the summary(fit) to see its residual deviance
# $residual.scale: [1] 0.1360028
# this is the estimate of variance at the new point
ss <- 0.136^2;  
# for honest prediction we have to also add the uncertainty about the
# line at the point
vy <- sqrt(ss+pre$^2)         

# and plot ....

for (j in 0:4) { 
    plot( mile, y, xlab="Miles",ylab="Log Price",type='n')

You may want to play around with the actual price and see why we prefer log(price) here