


NC counties

nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)

Exercise 1


Use ggplot to create a choropleth map for the proportion of sudden infant deaths, for the period of July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1979.


nc %>% 
  select(BIR74, SID74) %>% 
  mutate(SID74_prop = SID74 / (BIR74 + SID74)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = SID74_prop)) +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "#fff7f3", high = "#49006a") +
  labs(title = "July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1979", 
       fill  = "",
       subtitle = "Proportion of SID by county") +
  theme_void() +
  theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 1, 0, 1, "cm"))

Exercise 2


Recreate John Snow’s cholera map showing the cholera death locations and the water pump locations.

Download the data (you should have a directory named data/):

              destfile = "data/")
unzip("data/", exdir = "data/")

Read in the data:

cholera <- st_read("data/SnowGIS_SHP/Cholera_Deaths.shp", quiet = TRUE)
pumps <- st_read("data/SnowGIS_SHP/Pumps.shp", quiet = TRUE)

Before you start, check that both sf objects have the same CRS.


Here is a way to overlay the points on the raster object.

js_raster <- raster::raster("data/SnowGIS_SHP/OSMap_Grayscale.tif")
RStoolbox::ggR(js_raster) +
  geom_sf(data = cholera, aes(size = Count), color = "red", alpha = .5) + 
  geom_sf(data = pumps, color = "blue", size = 3) + 
  labs(size = "Deaths", title = "London Cholera Outbreak",
       caption = "Water pumps colored in blue") +
  theme_void() +
  theme(legend.position  = "bottom",
        plot.title       = element_text(size   = 28, 
                                        family = "Impact"),
        legend.text      = element_text(size   = 14, 
                                        family = "Comic Sans MS"),
        legend.title     = element_text(size   = 16, 
                                        family = "Comic Sans MS"),
        plot.caption     = element_text(size   = 10, 
                                        family = "Comic Sans MS"))

Leaflet is a challenge here because CRS are not aligned. R’s plot() functions should work too.