DataFest: COVID-19 Virtual Data Challenge Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the virtual data challenge! The submissions were outstanding and each provided a unique insight into a societal impact of the global pandemic. A group of 15 judges from academia and industry reviewed the submissions to select winners in a variety of categories.

Congratulations to all of this year's winners! Click below to view their projects.

Most Creative Topic or Data set

emoji_events Dreams in the Time of COVID-19 by Apoorv Jha

Write up + Dashboard

Best Visualizations

emoji_events An Analysis of US Social Distancing Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic through Google Mobility Reports by America's Next Top Modellers: Shannon Houser & Jack Lichtenstein

Slides Write up GitHub

Best Interactive Dashboard

emoji_events "COVIS19" by Jie Cai

Dashboard Video GitHub

Best Insight

emoji_events Explore How Research Priorities Shift as COVID-19 Progresses by N&N: Jingxuan Liu, Jessie Ou, Linda Tang, Yunyao Zhu, Justina Zou

Slides Write up GitHub

Judges' Pick

Project recognized by the judges for outstanding achievement outside of the core award categories.

emoji_eventsRegression Analysis of COVID-19's Effect on Different Communities by MB, MF, (PM)-1: Meredith Brown, Matt Feder, Pouya Mohammadi

Dashboard Write up GitHub