I am an assistant professor of the practice in Statistical Science at Duke university. My research interests include applied spatial statistics with an emphasis on Bayesian statistics and computational methods.
Ph.D. in Statistics, 2012
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
M.S. in Statistics, 2008
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
B.S. in Biology, 2003
California Institute of Technology
Çetinkaya-Rundel, M., Hardin, J., Baumer, B. S., McNamara, A., Horton, N. J., Rundel, C. (2021) Technology Innovations in Statistics Education. (In revision) arXiv Preprint
Poulsen, J., Beirne, C., Rundel, C., Baldino, M., Kim, S., Knorr, J., Minich, T., Jin, L., Núñez, C., Xiao, S., Mbamy, W., Obiang, G., Masseloux, J., Nkoghe, T., Ebanega, M., Clark, C., Fay, M., Morkel, P., Okouyi, J., White, L., Wright, J. (2021) Frontiers in Ecology And Evolution. (In revision)
Beckman M., Çetinkaya-Rundel M., Horton N., Rundel C., Sullivan A., Tackett M. (2021) Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29 (Sup 1)
Johnson A., Rundel C., Hu J., Ross K., Rossman A. (2020) Journal of Statistics Education. 28 (3)
Beirne C., Nuñez C., Baldino M., Kim S., Knorr J., Minich T., Jin L., Xiao S., Mbamy W., Obiang G., Masseloux J., Nkoghe T., Ebanega M., Rundel C., Wright J., Poulsen J. (2019) Wildlife Biology. 2019 (1)
Cetinkaya-Rundel M, Rundel CW (2017) Practical Data Science for Stats - a PeerJ Collection. PeerJ Preprint Repo
Rundel CW, Schliep EM, Holland D, Gelfand A (2015) Environmetrics 26 (8) , 515-525.
Rundel CW, Wunder M, Alvarado AH, Ruegg K, Harrigan R, Schuh A, Jeffrey K, Siegel R, DeSante DF, Smith TB, Novembre J (2013) Molecular Ecology 22 (16) , 4163-4176. Repo
de Bocanegra HT, Rostovsteva D, Cetinkaya M, Rundel CW, Lewis C (2011) Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 22 (4) , 1167-1178.
Walker DW, Muffat J, Rundel CW, Benzer S (2006) Current Biology 16 (7) , 674-679.
Tools for managing classroom and assignment related tasks on GitHub.
Tools for parsing and programmatically interacting with R Markdown documents.
R wrapper of the md4c markdown parsing library.
Tools for automating checking of R projects, with a focus on automated feedback via CI tooling like GitHub actions.
Tools for recording student results for questions and exercises in learnr docu- ments.
A wrapper for Google's 'diff-match-patch' library. It provides basic tools for computing diffs, finding fuzzy matches, and constructing / applying patches to strings.
Library for broadcasting source files during live codeing sessions.
R interface to the Geometry Engine, Open Source (GEOS) library.
Tools for efficiently working with Gaussian Processes in R / C++.
January 2021, RStudio Global 2021 Recording
September 2020, Teaching and Learning of Mathematical and Statistical Computing Online 2020 Slides
August 2020, JSM 2020 Slides
July 2020, Online Workshop Materials
January 2020, RStudio Conf 2020 Slides
August 2019, JSM 2019 Slides
August 2019, JSM 2019 Materials
July 2019, UseR! 2019 Slides
May 2019, SDSS 2019 Slides
June 2018, ISBA 2018 Repo
August 2017, JSM 2017 Slides
August 2016, JSM 2016 Slides
July 2016, UseR! 2016 Slides
August 2015, JSM 2015 Slides
July 2015, UseR! 2015 Slides
August 2014, JSM 2014 Slides
April 2014, Duke SSRI DABSS Seminar Slides
February 2014, Duke Dept. of Statistical Science Seminar Slides
August 2013, JSM 2013 Slides
July 2013, UseR! 2013 Slides
August 2012, JSM 2012 Slides
July 2012, UseR! 2012 Slides
August 2011, JSM 2011 Slides