Upload Guide - Sta102 / BME102

You are required to submit an electronic copy of your lab write up each week before the start of the next lab. To do this we will be using the Assignments feature of Sakai. Below I will detail the steps necessary to download (export) your files from Rstudio and to then upload them onto Sakai.

Step 1 - Export files

Rstudio has a feature that allows you to download files from your workspace, to do this you will need to select the files you want from the file tab (in the bottom right corner) and then use the Export option under the More drop down menu. The picture below shows the files selected and the location of the export option. Make sure you export your \emph{html} file and not the Rmd file.

Step 2 - Download files

After selecting export Rstudio will ask you for a name for the file to download, this name does not mater but you should keep track of it so that you can locate the file after downloading.

Step 3 - Submitting to Sakai

We will be using the Assignments tool to manage the uploading and submission of the lab write up. Once you have logged into Sakai and gone to the tab for this class you can select the Assignments tool from the menu on the left hand side.

Following the link for the lab will take you to a page like the following

where you can use the Choose file button to select and upload the necessary files (locate and select the file(s) you downloaded from Rstudio). You will be able to resubmit multiple times if you decide to edit your document before the deadline, but only your most recent submission will be graded.