The why of databases

Numbers everyone should know

Implications for bigish data

Lets imagine we have a 10 GB flat data file and that we want to select certain rows based on a given criteria. This requires a sequential read across the entire data set.

If we can store the file in memory:

  • \(10~GB \times (250~\mu s / 1~MB) = 0.25\) seconds

If we have to access the file from disk:

  • \(10~GB \times (30~ms / 1~MB) = 30\) seconds

This is just for reading data, if we make any modifications (writing) things are much worse.

Implications for big data

What about a 100 GB flat data file?

If we can store the file in memory:

  • \(100~GB \times (250~\mu s / 1~MB) = 2.5\) seconds

If we have to access the file from disk:

  • \(100~GB \times (30~ms / 1~MB) = 300\) seconds

This is actually incredibly optimistic since it assumes that all the data on disk can be read in one continuous read.


Cost: Disk << Memory

Speed: Disk <<< Memory

So usually possible to grow our disk storage to accommodate our data. However, memory is usually the limiting resource, and if we can't fit everything into memory?

Create blocks - group rows based on similar attributes and read in multiple rows at a time. Optimal size will depend on the task and the properties of the disk.

Linear vs Binary Search

Binary Search Example

Age Name
19 Carol
20 Greg
21 Alice
21 Dave
22 Eve
23 Bob
23 Frank

Lets search for records for people who are 22 or older.

and then?

This is just barely scratching the surface,

  • Efficiency gains are not just for disk, access is access

  • In general, trade off between storage and efficiency

  • Reality is a lot more complicated for everything mentioned so far, lots of very smart people have spent a lot of time thinking about and implementing tools

  • Different tasks with different requirements require different implementations and have different criteria for optimization


Structures Query Language is a special purpose language for interacting with (querying and modifying) these indexed tabular data structures.

  • ANSI Standard but with some dialect divergence

  • This functionality maps very closely (but not exactly) with the data manipulation verbs present in dplyr.

  • We will see this mapping in more detail in a bit.

Back to dplyr



nyc = read_csv("/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.csv")

##  |================================================================================| 100% 1713 MB
##  Warning: 654437 parsing failures.
##   row                  col   expected actual
##  2647 Violation Legal Code an integer      T
##  3792 Violation Legal Code an integer      T
##  4001 Violation Legal Code an integer      T
##  4002 Violation Legal Code an integer      T
##  4003 Violation Legal Code an integer      T
##  .... .................... .......... ......
##  .See problems(...) for more details.


##  Source: local data frame [9,100,278 x 43]
##     Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code
##              (dbl)    (chr)              (chr)      (chr)      (chr)          (int)
##  1      1361929741  FCJ5493                 NY        PAS 12/18/1970             20
##  2      1366962000  63540MC                 NY        COM 02/02/1971             46
##  3      1356906515  GFM1421                 NY        PAS 09/18/1971             40
##  4      1342296217  FYM5117                 NY        SRF 09/18/1971             21
##  5      1342296199  95V6675                 TX        PAS 09/18/1971             21
##  6      1342296187  GCY4187                 NY        SRF 09/18/1971             21
##  7      1337077380  18972BB                 NY        999 10/10/1971             14
##  8      1364523796  WNJ4730                 VA        PAS 04/05/1973             14
##  9      1359914924  68091JZ                 NY        COM 07/22/1973             46
##  10     1355498326  EWV4127                 NY        PAS 08/12/1973             21
##  ..            ...      ...                ...        ...        ...            ...
##  Variables not shown: Vehicle Body Type (chr), Vehicle Make (chr), Issuing Agency (chr), Street
##    Code1 (int), Street Code2 (int), Street Code3 (int), Vehicle Expiration Date (int), Violation
##    Location (chr), Violation Precinct (int), Issuer Precinct (int), Issuer Code (int), Issuer
##    Command (chr), Issuer Squad (chr), Violation Time (chr), Time First Observed (chr), Violation
##    County (chr), Violation In Front Of Or Opposite (chr), House Number (chr), Street Name (chr),
##    Intersecting Street (chr), Date First Observed (int), Law Section (int), Sub Division (chr),
##    Violation Legal Code (int), Days Parking In Effect (chr), From Hours In Effect (chr), To Hours
##    In Effect (chr), Vehicle Color (chr), Unregistered Vehicle? (int), Vehicle Year (int), Meter
##    Number (chr), Feet From Curb (int), Violation Post Code (chr), Violation Description (chr), No
##    Standing or Stopping Violation (chr), Hydrant Violation (chr), Double Parking Violation (chr)

Creating an sqlite database

(db = src_sqlite("/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite", create = TRUE))

##  src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  tbls:

nyc_sql = copy_to(db, nyc, temporary = FALSE)

##  src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  tbls: nyc, sqlite_stat1

nyc_sql = tbl(db,"nyc")

##  List of 9
##   $ src      :List of 3
##    ..$ con :Formal class 'SQLiteConnection' [package "RSQLite"] with 5 slots
##    .. .. ..@ Id                 :<externalptr> 
##    .. .. ..@ dbname             : chr "/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite"
##    .. .. ..@ loadable.extensions: logi TRUE
##    .. .. ..@ flags              : int 6
##    .. .. ..@ vfs                : chr ""
##    ..$ path: chr "/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite"
##    ..$ info:List of 2
##    .. ..$ serverVersion: chr "3.8.6"
##    .. ..$ results      : logi FALSE
##    ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "src_sqlite" "src_sql" "src"
##   $ from     :Classes 'ident', 'sql', 'character'  chr "nyc"
## ...


##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  From: nyc [9,100,278 x 43]
##     Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code
##              (dbl)    (chr)              (chr)      (chr)      (chr)          (int)
##  1      1361929741  FCJ5493                 NY        PAS 12/18/1970             20
##  2      1366962000  63540MC                 NY        COM 02/02/1971             46
##  3      1356906515  GFM1421                 NY        PAS 09/18/1971             40
##  4      1342296217  FYM5117                 NY        SRF 09/18/1971             21
##  5      1342296199  95V6675                 TX        PAS 09/18/1971             21
##  6      1342296187  GCY4187                 NY        SRF 09/18/1971             21
##  7      1337077380  18972BB                 NY        999 10/10/1971             14
##  8      1364523796  WNJ4730                 VA        PAS 04/05/1973             14
##  9      1359914924  68091JZ                 NY        COM 07/22/1973             46
##  10     1355498326  EWV4127                 NY        PAS 08/12/1973             21
##  ..            ...      ...                ...        ...        ...            ...
##  Variables not shown: Vehicle Body Type (chr), Vehicle Make (chr), Issuing Agency (chr), Street
##    Code1 (int), Street Code2 (int), Street Code3 (int), Vehicle Expiration Date (int), Violation
##    Location (chr), Violation Precinct (int), Issuer Precinct (int), Issuer Code (int), Issuer
##    Command (chr), Issuer Squad (chr), Violation Time (chr), Time First Observed (chr), Violation
##    County (chr), Violation In Front Of Or Opposite (chr), House Number (chr), Street Name (chr),
##    Intersecting Street (chr), Date First Observed (int), Law Section (int), Sub Division (chr),
##    Violation Legal Code (int), Days Parking In Effect (chr), From Hours In Effect (chr), To Hours
##    In Effect (chr), Vehicle Color (chr), Unregistered Vehicle? (int), Vehicle Year (int), Meter
##    Number (chr), Feet From Curb (int), Violation Post Code (chr), Violation Description (chr), No
##    Standing or Stopping Violation (chr), Hydrant Violation (chr), Double Parking Violation (chr)

Using dplyr with sqlite

(addr = nyc_sql %>%
        select(`Issue Date`, `Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`, `House Number`, `Street Name`) %>%
        filter(`Violation Precinct` >=1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34)

##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  From: nyc [3,564,798 x 5]
##  Filter: `Violation Precinct` >= 1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34 
##     Issue Date Issuing Agency Violation Precinct House Number  Street Name
##          (chr)          (chr)              (int)        (chr)        (chr)
##  1  09/18/1971              X                 33         4165     BROADWAY
##  2  07/22/1973              P                 10           48        7 AVE
##  3  09/22/1973              P                 14          205      W 39 ST
##  4  10/30/1973              K                  1           NA SOUTH STREET
##  5  04/15/1977              X                 17          545        1 AVE
##  6  01/01/2000              P                 17          875      3RD AVE
##  7  01/06/2000              P                 20          210      W 64 ST
##  8  01/07/2000              P                 15         1375        6 AVE
##  9  01/07/2000              P                 15         1375        6 AVE
##  10 01/08/2000              P                 19          244      EAST 84
##  ..        ...            ...                ...          ...          ...

SQL Query


## [1] "tbl_sqlite" "tbl_sql"    "tbl"  


##  <Query> SELECT "Issue Date" AS "Issue Date", "Issuing Agency" AS "Issuing Agency", "Violation Precinct" AS "Violation ##  Precinct", "House Number" AS "House Number", "Street Name" AS "Street Name"
##  FROM "nyc"
##  WHERE "Violation Precinct" >= 1.0 AND "Violation Precinct" <= 34.0
##  <SQLiteConnection>


addr %>% mutate(address = paste(`House Number`, `Street Name`))

##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  Error in sqliteSendQuery(con, statement, : 
##    error in statement: no such function: PASTE

addr %>% summarize(mean = mean(`Violation Precinct`, na.rm=TRUE))

##  Error: na.rm not needed in SQL: NULL are always dropped

addr %>% summarize(mean = mean(`Violation Precinct`))

##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  From: <derived table> [?? x 1]
##        mean
##       (dbl)
##  1  16.0982
##  ..     ...

SQL Grouping

addr %>% group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>% summarize(n=n())

##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  From: <derived table> [?? x 3]
##  Grouped by: `Issuing Agency` 
##     Issuing Agency Violation Precinct     n
##              (chr)              (int) (int)
##  1               A                  1    13
##  2               A                  7     1
##  3               A                 10    24
##  4               A                 11     1
##  5               A                 14    47
##  6               A                 33    11
##  7               B                 10     1
##  8               B                 25     2
##  9               C                  5    73
##  10              C                 13     7
##  ..            ...                ...   ...

SQL Query

addr %>% group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>% summarize(n=n()) %>% .$query

##  <Query> SELECT "Issuing Agency", "Violation Precinct", "n"
##  FROM (SELECT "Issuing Agency", "Violation Precinct", COUNT() AS "n"
##  FROM "nyc"
##  WHERE "Violation Precinct" >= 1.0 AND "Violation Precinct" <= 34.0
##  GROUP BY "Issuing Agency", "Violation Precinct") AS "zzz4"
##  <SQLiteConnection>

SQL Translation

dplyr has a function, translate_sql, that lets you experiment with how R functions are translated to SQL

translate_sql(x == 1 & (y < 2 | z > 3))
## <SQL> "x" = 1.0 AND ("y" < 2.0 OR "z" > 3.0)
translate_sql(x ^ 2 < 10)
## <SQL> POWER("x", 2.0) < 10.0
translate_sql(x %% 2 == 10)
## <SQL> "x" % 2.0 = 10.0
## <SQL> PASTE("x", "y")
## <SQL> AVG("x")
translate_sql(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))
## Error: na.rm not needed in SQL: NULL are always dropped

In general, dplyr knows how to translate basic math, logical, and summary functions from R to SQL.

(Unfair) Timings

    nyc %>%
    select(`Issue Date`, `Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`, `House Number`, `Street Name`) %>%
    filter(`Violation Precinct` >=1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34) %>%
    group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>%

##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.860   0.121   0.981 

    nyc_sql %>%
    select(`Issue Date`, `Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`, `House Number`, `Street Name`) %>%
    filter(`Violation Precinct` >=1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34) %>%
    group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>%

##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.039   0.001   0.038 

nyc_sql was 30x times faster than nyc, but the former is disk based while the latter is in memory, why this discrepancy?


dplyr uses lazy evaluation as much as possible, particularly when working with non-local backends.

  • When building a query, we don't want the entire table, often we want just enough to check if our query is working.

  • Since we would prefer to run one complex query over many simple queries, laziness allows for verbs to be strung together.

  • Therefore, by default dplyr

    • won't connect and query the database until absolutely necessary (e.g. show output),

    • and unless explicitly told to, only query a handful of rows

nyc_sql %>%
  select(`Issue Date`, `Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`, `House Number`, `Street Name`) %>%
  filter(`Violation Precinct` >=1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34) %>%
  group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>%

##  Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations.sqlite]
##  From: <derived table> [?? x 3]
##  Grouped by: `Issuing Agency` 
##     Issuing Agency Violation Precinct     n
##              (chr)              (int) (int)
##  1               A                  1    13
##  2               A                  7     1
##  3               A                 10    24
##  4               A                 11     1
##  5               A                 14    47
##  6               A                 33    11
##  7               B                 10     1
##  8               B                 25     2
##  9               C                  5    73
##  10              C                 13     7
##  ..            ...                ...   ...

Full query

To force a full query and return a complete tbl_df object dplyr uses the collect function.

nyc_sql %>%
  select(`Issue Date`, `Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`, `House Number`, `Street Name`) %>%
  filter(`Violation Precinct` >=1, `Violation Precinct` <= 34) %>%
  group_by(`Issuing Agency`, `Violation Precinct`) %>%
  summarize(n=n()) %>%

##  Source: local data frame [200 x 3]
##  Groups: Issuing Agency [15]
##     Issuing Agency Violation Precinct     n
##              (chr)              (int) (int)
##  1               A                  1    13
##  2               A                  7     1
##  3               A                 10    24
##  4               A                 11     1
##  5               A                 14    47
##  6               A                 33    11
##  7               B                 10     1
##  8               B                 25     2
##  9               C                  5    73
##  10              C                 13     7
##  ..            ...                ...   ...

compute and collapse also force a full query but have slightly different behavior and return types.

Creating Indexes

(db_index = src_sqlite("/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations_index.sqlite", create = TRUE))

## src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [/data/Sta323/nyc_parking/NYParkingViolations_index.sqlite]
## tbls:

nyc_index = copy_to(db_index, nyc, temporary = FALSE,
                    index = list(`Violation Precinct`))

The indexed database takes up more disk space:

cr173@gort [~]$ ls -lh /data/Sta323/nyc_parking/*.sqlite

-rw-r--r-- 1 cr173 visitor 1.8G Mar 30 11:56 NYParkingViolations_index.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 cr173 visitor 1.7G Mar 30 11:28 NYParkingViolations.sqlite

Timings for filtering precincts

system.time(nyc_sql %>% filter(`Violation Precinct` <= 34, `Violation Precinct` >= 1) %>% collect())

##    user  system elapsed 
##  30.630   3.279  34.009 

system.time(nyc_index %>% filter(`Violation Precinct` <= 34, `Violation Precinct` >= 1) %>% collect())

##    user  system elapsed 
##  32.207   3.197  35.395 

Timings for grouping

system.time(nyc_sql %>% group_by(`Violation Precinct`) %>% summarize(n=n()) %>% collect())

##     user  system elapsed 
##   21.184   2.829  24.007 

system.time(nyc_index %>% group_by(`Violation Precinct`) %>% summarize(n=n()) %>% collect())

##   user  system elapsed 
##  1.288   0.102   1.389 

