--- title: "Lecture 4" subtitle: "Logistic Regression + Residual Analysis" author: "Colin Rundel" date: "1/29/2018" fontsize: 11pt output: beamer_presentation: theme: metropolis highlight: pygments fig_height: 6 fig_caption: false latex_engine: xelatex includes: in_header: ../settings.tex --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r config, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3.5, out.width="\\textwidth", fig.align="center", echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE ) ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_bw()) ``` ## Background {.t} \scriptoutput Today we'll be looking at data on the presence and absence of the short-finned eel (Anguilla australis) at a number of sites in New Zealand. These data come from * Leathwick, J. R., Elith, J., Chadderton, W. L., Rowe, D. and Hastie, T. (2008), Dispersal, disturbance and the contrasting biogeographies of New Zealand’s diadromous and non-diadromous fish species. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 1481–1497. ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", out.width="0.5\\textwidth"} knitr::include_graphics("figs/eel.png") ``` ## Species Distribution ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", out.width="0.5\\textwidth"} knitr::include_graphics("figs/new_zealand.png") ``` ## Codebook: \scriptoutput * `presence` - presence (`1`) or absence (`0`) of Anguilla australis at the sampling location * `SegSumT` - Summer air temperature (degrees C) * `DSDist` - Distance to coast (km) * `DSMaxSlope` - Maximum downstream slope (degrees) * `USRainDays` - days per month with rain greater than 25 mm * `USSlope` - average slope in the upstream catchment (degrees) * `USNative` - area with indigenous forest (proportion) * `DSDam` - Presence of known downstream obstructions, mostly dams * `Method` - fishing method (`electric`, `net`, `spot`, `trap`, or `mixture`) * `LocSed` - weighted average of proportional cover of bed sediment 1. mud 2. sand 3. fine gravel 4. coarse gravel 5. cobble 6. boulder 7. bedrock ```{r echo=FALSE} load("data/anguilla.Rdata") set.seed(20180130) part = modelr::resample_partition(anguilla, c(train=0.75, test=0.25)) anguilla = as.data.frame(part$train) %>% tbl_df() anguilla_test = as.data.frame(part$test) %>% tbl_df() ``` ## Data {.t} \scriptoutput ```{r} anguilla ``` ## EDA ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=5} GGally::ggpairs( anguilla %>% mutate( presence = factor(presence), DSDam = factor(DSDam) ), lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap("points", alpha=0.05)) ) ``` ## EDA (part 1) ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=5} GGally::ggpairs( anguilla %>% mutate( presence = factor(presence), DSDam = factor(DSDam) ) %>% select(1:5), lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap("points", alpha=0.05)) ) ``` ## EDA (part 2) ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=5} GGally::ggpairs( anguilla %>% mutate( presence = factor(presence), DSDam = factor(DSDam) ) %>% select(1,6:10), lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap("points", alpha=0.05)) ) ``` ## EDA (part 1) ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=5} GGally::ggpairs( anguilla %>% mutate( presence = factor(presence), DSDam = factor(DSDam) ) %>% select(1:5), lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap("points", alpha=0.05)) ) ``` ## EDA (part 3) ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=5} GGally::ggpairs( anguilla %>% mutate( presence = factor(presence), DSDam = factor(DSDam) ) %>% select(1,2), lower = list(continuous = GGally::wrap("points", alpha=0.05)) ) ``` # Simple Model ## Model ```{r} inv_logit = function(x) 1/(1+exp(-x)) g = glm(presence~SegSumT, family=binomial, data=anguilla) summary(g) ``` ## Fit ```{r} d_g = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(g, anguilla, type="response")) d_g_pred = data.frame(SegSumT = seq(11,25,by=0.1)) %>% modelr::add_predictions(g,"p_hat") %>% mutate(p_hat = inv_logit(p_hat)) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} ggplot(d_g, aes(x=SegSumT, y=presence)) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + geom_line(data=d_g_pred, aes(y=p_hat), color="red") ``` ## Separation ```{r} ggplot(d_g, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence") ``` ## Residuals ```{r} d_g = d_g %>% mutate(resid = presence - p_hat) ggplot(d_g, aes(x=SegSumT, y=resid)) + geom_point(alpha=0.1) ``` ## Binned Residuals ```{r} d_g %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.05)) %>% group_by(bin) %>% summarize(resid_mean = mean(resid)) %>% ggplot(aes(y=resid_mean, x=bin)) + geom_point() ``` ## Pearson Residuals $$ r_i = \frac{Y_i - E(Y_i)}{Var(Y_i)} = \frac{Y_i - \hat{p}_i}{\hat{p}_i(1-\hat{p}_i)} $$ ```{r} d_g = d_g %>% mutate(pearson = (presence - p_hat) / (p_hat * (1-p_hat))) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} ggplot(d_g, aes(x=p_hat, y=pearson)) + geom_point(alpha=0.1) ``` ## Binned Pearson Residuals ```{r echo=FALSE} d_g %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.05)) %>% group_by(bin) %>% summarize(pearson_mean = mean(pearson)) %>% ggplot(aes(y=pearson_mean, x=bin)) + geom_point() ``` ## Deviance Residuals {.t} $$ d_i = \text{sign}(Y_i-\hat{p_i}) \sqrt{ -2 \left(Y_i \log \hat{p}_i+(1-Y_i)\log (1 - \hat{p}_i) \right) } $$ ```{r} d_g = d_g %>% mutate(deviance = sign(presence - p_hat) *sqrt(-2 * (presence*log(p_hat) + (1-presence)*log(1 - p_hat) ))) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} ggplot(d_g, aes(x=p_hat, y=deviance)) + geom_point(alpha=0.1) ``` ## Binned Deviance Residuals ```{r echo=FALSE} d_g %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.05)) %>% group_by(bin) %>% summarize(deviance_mean = mean(deviance)) %>% ggplot(aes(y=deviance_mean, x=bin)) + geom_point() ``` ## Checking Deviance ```{r} sum(d_g$deviance^2) glm(presence~SegSumT, family=binomial, data=anguilla) ``` ## All together ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} d_g %>% select(p_hat:deviance) %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.05)) %>% tidyr::gather(type, value, -p_hat, -bin) %>% mutate(type = forcats::as_factor(type)) %>% group_by(bin,type) %>% summarize(mean = mean(value)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=bin, y=mean, color=type)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~type, ncol=1, scale="free_y") ``` # Full Model ## Model {.t} \tinyoutput ```{r} f = glm(presence~., family=binomial, data=anguilla) summary(f) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} d_f = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(f, anguilla, type="response")) %>% mutate( resid = presence - p_hat, pearson = (presence - p_hat) / (p_hat * (1-p_hat)), deviance = sign(presence - p_hat) *sqrt(-2 * (presence*log(p_hat) + (1-presence)*log(1 - p_hat) )) ) %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.025)) ``` ## Separation ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} gridExtra::grid.arrange( ggplot(d_g, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="SegSumT Model"), ggplot(d_f, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="Full Model") ) ``` ## Residuals vs fitted ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} d_f %>% select(p_hat:bin) %>% tidyr::gather(type, value, -p_hat, -bin) %>% group_by(type, bin) %>% summarize(mean = mean(value)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=bin, y=mean, color=type)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~type, ncol=1, scale="free_y") ``` # Model Performance ## Confusion Tables {.t} ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=2.5} ggplot(d_f, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="Full Model") ``` ## Predictive Performance (ROC / AUC) ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} res_obs = bind_rows( select(d_g, presence, p_hat) %>% mutate(model = "SegSumT Model"), select(d_f, presence, p_hat) %>% mutate(model = "Full Model") ) gg_roc = ggplot(res_obs, aes(d=presence, m=p_hat, color=model)) + plotROC::geom_roc(n.cuts=0) + plotROC::style_roc() auc = plotROC::calc_auc(gg_roc)["AUC"] gg_roc + annotate( "text", x = .75, y = .25, label = paste("AUC =", round(auc, 3)) ) ``` ## Out of sample predictive performance ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} full_res = anguilla_test %>% modelr::add_predictions(g,"SegSumT Model") %>% modelr::add_predictions(f,"Full Model") %>% select(presence, "SegSumT Model","Full Model") %>% tidyr::gather(model, p_hat, -presence) %>% mutate(p_hat = inv_logit(p_hat)) %>% mutate(type = "Test") %>% bind_rows( res_obs %>% mutate(type = "Train"), . ) %>% mutate( model = forcats::as_factor(model), type = forcats::as_factor(type) ) gg_roc = ggplot(full_res, aes(d=presence, m=p_hat, color=model, linetype=type)) + plotROC::geom_roc(n.cuts=0) + plotROC::style_roc() auc = plotROC::calc_auc(gg_roc)["AUC"] gg_roc + annotate( "text", x = .75, y = .25, label = paste("AUC =", round(auc, 3)) ) ``` # What about something non-parametric? ## Gradient Boosting Model ```{r message=FALSE} y = anguilla$presence %>% as.integer() x = model.matrix(presence~.-1, data=anguilla) x_test = model.matrix(presence~.-1, data=anguilla_test) xg = xgboost::xgboost(data=x, label=y, nthead=4, nround=25, objective="binary:logistic", verbose = FALSE) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} d_xg = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg, newdata=x)) d_xg_test = anguilla_test %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg, newdata=x_test)) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=2} imp = xgboost::xgb.importance(colnames(x), model=xg) xgboost::xgb.plot.importance(imp, rel_to_first = TRUE, xlab = "Relative importance") ``` ## Residuals? ```{r echo=FALSE} d_xg %>% mutate( resid = presence - p_hat, pearson = (presence - p_hat)/(p_hat*(1-p_hat)), deviance = sign(presence-p_hat) * sqrt(-2 * (presence * log(p_hat) + (1-presence) * log(1-p_hat))) ) %>% select(p_hat:deviance) %>% mutate(bin = p_hat - (p_hat %% 0.05)) %>% tidyr::gather(type, value, -p_hat, -bin) %>% mutate(type = forcats::as_factor(type)) %>% group_by(type, bin) %>% summarize(mean = mean(value)) %>% ggplot(aes(x=bin, y=mean, color=type)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~type, ncol=3, scale="free_y") ``` ## Separation? ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} ggplot(d_xg, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence") ``` ## Effect of `nround` - Training Data ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} get_xg = function(nrounds = 25) xgboost::xgboost(data=x, label=y, nthead=4, nround=nrounds, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=FALSE) xg_5 = get_xg(5) xg_10 = get_xg(10) xg_15 = get_xg(15) d_xg_5 = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_5, newdata=x)) d_xg_10 = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_10, newdata=x)) d_xg_15 = anguilla %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_15, newdata=x)) d_xg_5_test = anguilla_test %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_5, newdata=x_test)) d_xg_10_test = anguilla_test %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_10, newdata=x_test)) d_xg_15_test = anguilla_test %>% mutate(p_hat = predict(xg_15, newdata=x_test)) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} gridExtra::grid.arrange( ggplot(d_xg_5, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 5 rounds - Training Data"), ggplot(d_xg_10, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 10 rounds - Training Data"), ggplot(d_xg_15, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 15 rounds - Training Data"), ggplot(d_xg, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 25 rounds - Training Data") ) ``` ## Effect of `nround` - Test Data ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} gridExtra::grid.arrange( ggplot(d_xg_5_test, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 5 rounds - Test Data"), ggplot(d_xg_10_test, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 10 rounds - Test Data"), ggplot(d_xg_15_test, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 15 rounds - Test Data"), ggplot(d_xg_test, aes(x=p_hat, y=presence, color=as.factor(presence))) + geom_jitter(height=0.1, alpha=0.5) + labs(color="presence", title="XGBoost - 25 rounds - Test Data") ) ``` ## ROC Curves ```{r echo=FALSE, fig.height=5} bind_rows( full_res, d_xg_5 %>% mutate(type="Train", model="XGBoost - 5 rounds"), d_xg_10 %>% mutate(type="Train", model="XGBoost - 10 rounds"), d_xg_15 %>% mutate(type="Train", model="XGBoost - 15 rounds"), d_xg %>% mutate(type="Train", model="XGBoost - 25 rounds"), d_xg_5_test %>% mutate(type="Test", model="XGBoost - 5 rounds"), d_xg_10_test %>% mutate(type="Test", model="XGBoost - 10 rounds"), d_xg_15_test %>% mutate(type="Test", model="XGBoost - 15 rounds"), d_xg_test %>% mutate(type="Test", model="XGBoost - 25 rounds") ) %>% select(presence, p_hat, type, model) %>% mutate( model = forcats::as_factor(model), type = forcats::as_factor(type) ) %>% ggplot(aes(d=presence, m=p_hat, color=model, linetype=type)) + plotROC::geom_roc(n.cuts = 0) + plotROC::style_roc() ``` # Aside: Species Distribution Modeling ## Model Choice {.t} We have been fitting a model that looks like the following, $$ \begin{aligned} y_i &\sim \text{Bern}(p_i) \\ \text{logit}(p_i) &= \symbf{X}_{i\cdot} \symbf{\beta} \end{aligned} $$ Interpretation of $y_i$ and $p_i$? ## Absence of evidence ... {.t} If we observe a species at a particular location what does that tell us?

If we *don't* observe a species at a particular location what does that tell us? ## Revised Model {.t} If we allow for crypsis, then $$ \begin{aligned} y_i &\sim \text{Bern}(q_i\,z_i) \\ z_i &\sim \text{Bern}(p_i) \\ \text{logit}(q_i) &= \symbf{X}_{i\cdot} \symbf{\gamma} \\ \text{logit}(p_i) &= \symbf{X}_{i\cdot} \symbf{\beta} \end{aligned} $$ Interpretation of $y_i$, $z_i$, $p_i$, and $q_i$?