The why of databases

Numbers everyone should know

Implications for bigish data

Lets imagine we have a 10 GB flat data file and that we want to select certain rows based on a given criteria. This requires a sequential read across the entire data set.

If we can store the file in memory:

  • \(10~GB \times (250~\mu s / 1~MB) = 0.25\) seconds

If we have to access the file from disk:

  • \(10~GB \times (30~ms / 1~MB) = 30\) seconds

This is just for reading data, if we make any modifications (writing) things are much worse.

Implications for big data

What about a 100 GB flat data file?

If we can store the file in memory:

  • \(100~GB \times (250~\mu s / 1~MB) = 2.5\) seconds

If we have to access the file from disk:

  • \(100~GB \times (30~ms / 1~MB) = 300\) seconds

This is actually incredibly optimistic since it assumes that all the data on disk can be read in one continuous read.


Cost: Disk << Memory

Speed: Disk <<< Memory

So usually possible to grow our disk storage to accommodate our data. However, memory is usually the limiting resource, and if we can't fit everything into memory?

Create blocks - group rows based on similar attributes and read in multiple rows at a time. Optimal size will depend on the task and the properties of the disk.

Linear vs Binary Search

Binary Search Example

Age Name
19 Carol
20 Greg
21 Alice
21 Dave
22 Eve
23 Bob
23 Frank

Lets search for records for people who are 22 or older.

and then?

This is just barely scratching the surface,

  • Efficiency gains are not just for disk, access is access

  • In general, trade off between storage and efficiency

  • Reality is a lot more complicated for everything mentioned so far, lots of very smart people have spent a lot of time thinking about and implementing tools

  • Different tasks with different requirements require different implementations and have different criteria for optimization


Structures Query Language is a special purpose language for interacting with (querying and modifying) these indexed tabular data structures.

  • ANSI Standard but with some dialect divergence

  • This functionality maps very closely (but not exactly) with the data manipulation verbs present in dplyr.

  • We will see this mapping in more detail in a bit.

Back to dplyr

data and cleanup


nyc = fread("~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.csv") %>% %>%

## Read 10018809 rows and 48 (of 48) columns from 5.913 GB file in 00:02:36

nyc = nyc %>%
             -(Park.Facility.Name:Ferry.Terminal.Name)) %>%
      mutate(Created.Date = mdy_hms(Created.Date),
             Closed.Date  = mdy_hms(Closed.Date),
             Due.Date     = mdy_hms(Due.Date),
             Resolution.Action.Updated.Date = mdy_hms(Resolution.Action.Updated.Date),
             Incident.Zip = as.integer(Incident.Zip),
             Facility.Type = ifelse(Facility.Type == "N/A", NA, Facility.Type))

## Source: local data frame [10,018,809 x 23]
##           Created.Date         Closed.Date Agency                             Agency.Name
##                 (time)              (time)  (chr)                                   (chr)
## 1  2015-10-06 02:13:38 2015-10-06 07:12:35    DOF                   Department of Finance
## 2  2015-10-06 02:11:28 2015-10-06 03:17:00   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 3  2015-10-06 02:08:09                <NA>  DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
## 4  2015-10-06 02:03:54                <NA>  DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
## 5  2015-10-06 01:58:53 2015-10-06 03:54:33   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 6  2015-10-06 01:58:42 2015-10-06 02:42:21   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 7  2015-10-06 01:55:18 2015-10-06 11:06:48   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 8  2015-10-06 01:52:18 2015-10-06 02:59:04   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 9  2015-10-06 01:49:04 2015-10-06 03:03:21   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## 10 2015-10-06 01:47:27 2015-10-06 03:07:37   NYPD         New York City Police Department
## ..                 ...                 ...    ...                                     ...
## Variables not shown: Complaint.Type (chr), Descriptor (chr), Location.Type (chr), Incident.Zip (int),
##   Incident.Address (chr), Street.Name (chr), Cross.Street.1 (chr), Cross.Street.2 (chr),
##   Intersection.Street.1 (chr), Intersection.Street.2 (chr), Address.Type (chr), City (chr), Landmark
##   (chr), Facility.Type (chr), Status (chr), Due.Date (time), Resolution.Action.Updated.Date (time),
##   Community.Board (chr), Borough (chr)

Creating an sqlite database

(db = src_sqlite("~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite", create = TRUE))

## src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## tbls:

nyc_sql = copy_to(db, nyc, temporary = FALSE)

## src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## tbls: nyc, sqlite_stat1

nyc_sql = tbl(db,"nyc")

## List of 9
##  $ src      :List of 3
##   ..$ con :Formal class 'SQLiteConnection' [package "RSQLite"] with 5 slots
##   .. .. ..@ Id                 :<externalptr> 
##   .. .. ..@ dbname             : chr "/home/vis/cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite"
##   .. .. ..@ loadable.extensions: logi TRUE
##   .. .. ..@ flags              : int 6
##   .. .. ..@ vfs                : chr ""
##   ..$ path: chr "~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite"
##   ..$ info:List of 2
##   .. ..$ serverVersion: chr "3.8.6"
##   .. ..$ results      : logi FALSE
##   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "src_sqlite" "src_sql" "src"
## ...


## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## From: nyc [10,018,809 x 23]
##    Created.Date Closed.Date Agency                             Agency.Name          Complaint.Type
##           (dbl)       (dbl)  (chr)                                   (chr)                   (chr)
## 1    1444097618  1444115555    DOF                   Department of Finance  DOF Literature Request
## 2    1444097488  1444101420   NYPD         New York City Police Department         Noise - Vehicle
## 3    1444097289          NA  DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene                  Rodent
## 4    1444097034          NA  DOHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene                  Rodent
## 5    1444096733  1444103673   NYPD         New York City Police Department         Noise - Vehicle
## 6    1444096722  1444099341   NYPD         New York City Police Department      Noise - Commercial
## 7    1444096518  1444129608   NYPD         New York City Police Department Noise - Street/Sidewalk
## 8    1444096338  1444100344   NYPD         New York City Police Department      Noise - Commercial
## 9    1444096144  1444100601   NYPD         New York City Police Department        Blocked Driveway
## 10   1444096047  1444100857   NYPD         New York City Police Department      Noise - Commercial
## ..          ...         ...    ...                                     ...                     ...
## Variables not shown: Descriptor (chr), Location.Type (chr), Incident.Zip (int), Incident.Address (chr),
##   Street.Name (chr), Cross.Street.1 (chr), Cross.Street.2 (chr), Intersection.Street.1 (chr),
##   Intersection.Street.2 (chr), Address.Type (chr), City (chr), Landmark (chr), Facility.Type (chr),
##   Status (chr), Due.Date (dbl), Resolution.Action.Updated.Date (dbl), Community.Board (chr), Borough
##   (chr)

Using dplyr with sqlite

(addr = nyc_sql %>%
        select(Created.Date,Complaint.Type, contains("Incident")) %>%
        filter(Incident.Address != "")

## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## From: nyc [7,853,591 x 4]
## Filter: Incident.Address != "" 
##    Created.Date     Complaint.Type Incident.Zip          Incident.Address
##           (dbl)              (chr)        (int)                     (chr)
## 1    1444097488    Noise - Vehicle        10033        206 AUDOBON AVENUE
## 2    1444097034             Rodent        10010      230 EAST 21ST STREET
## 3    1444096733    Noise - Vehicle        10461           20 MARVIN PLACE
## 4    1444096722 Noise - Commercial        10034                 10 AVENUE
## 5    1444096338 Noise - Commercial        10012      116 MACDOUGAL STREET
## 6    1444096144   Blocked Driveway        11213         330 ALBANY AVENUE
## 7    1444096047 Noise - Commercial        10031             3650 BROADWAY
## 8    1444095760 Food Establishment        11379 73-24 METROPOLITAN AVENUE
## 9    1444095689   Blocked Driveway        11421           91-03 98 STREET
## 10   1444095611 Food Establishment        11379  7324 METROPOLITAN AVENUE
## ..          ...                ...          ...                       ...

SQL Query


## <Query> SELECT "Created.Date" AS "Created.Date", "Complaint.Type" AS "Complaint.Type", "Incident.Zip" AS "Incident.Zip", "Incident.Address" AS "Incident.Address"
## FROM "nyc"
## WHERE "Incident.Address" != ''
## <SQLiteConnection>


(rats = filter(addr, Complaint.Type == "Rodent") %>%
        group_by(Incident.Zip) %>%
        mutate(Incident.Zip = ifelse(Incident.Zip < 10000, NA, Incident.Zip)) %>%

## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## From: <derived table> [?? x 2]
## Error in sqliteSendQuery(conn, statement) : 
##   error in statement: no such function: IFELSE

SQL Query


## <Query> SELECT "Incident.Zip", "n"
## FROM (SELECT "Incident.Zip", COUNT() AS "n"
## FROM (SELECT "Created.Date" AS "Created.Date", "Complaint.Type" AS "Complaint.Type", "Incident.Zip" AS "Incident.Zip", "Incident.Address" AS "Incident.Address", IFELSE("Incident.Zip" < 10000.0, NULL, "Incident.Zip") AS "Incident.Zip"
## FROM "nyc"
## WHERE "Incident.Address" != '' AND "Complaint.Type" = 'Rodent') AS "zzz4"
## GROUP BY "Incident.Zip") AS "zzz5"
## <SQLiteConnection>

SQL Translation

dplyr has a function, translate_sql, that lets you experiment with how R functions are translated to SQL

translate_sql(x == 1 & (y < 2 | z > 3))
## <SQL> "x" = 1.0 AND ("y" < 2.0 OR "z" > 3.0)
translate_sql(x ^ 2 < 10)
## <SQL> POWER("x", 2.0) < 10.0
translate_sql(x %% 2 == 10)
## <SQL> "x" % 2.0 = 10.0
## <SQL> PASTE("x", "y")
## <SQL> AVG("x")
translate_sql(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))
## Error: na.rm not needed in SQL: NULL are always dropped

In general, dplyr knows how to translate basic math, logical, and summary functions from R to SQL.

(Unfair) Timings

    select(nyc, Created.Date,Complaint.Type, contains("Incident")) %>%
    filter(Incident.Address != "") %>%
    group_by(Incident.Zip) %>%

##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.549   0.001   1.548 

    select(nyc_sql, Created.Date,Complaint.Type, contains("Incident")) %>%
    filter(Incident.Address != "") %>%
    group_by(Incident.Zip) %>%

##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.053   0.001   0.054 

nyc_sqlite was 30x times faster than nyc, but the former is disk based while the latter is in memory, why this discrepancy?


dplyr uses lazy evaluation as much as possible, particularly when working with SQL backends.

  • When building a query, we don't want the entire table, often we want just enough to check if our query is working.

  • Since we would prefer to run one complex query over many simple queries, laziness allows for verbs to be strung together.

  • Therefore, by default dplyr

    • won't connect and query the database until absolutely necessary (e.g. show output),

    • and unless explicitly told to, only query a handful of rows

(zip = select(nyc_sql, Created.Date,Complaint.Type, contains("Incident")) %>%
       filter(Incident.Address != "") %>%
       group_by(Incident.Zip) %>%
       summarize(n=n()) )

## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite]
## From: <derived table> [?? x 2]
##    Incident.Zip      n
##           (int)  (int)
## 1            NA 191036
## 2             0    405
## 3             1      1
## 4            11      1
## 5            24      1
## 6            31      1
## 7            46      1
## 8            83    261
## 9           116      1
## 10          117      1
## ..          ...    ...

Full query

To force a full query and return a complete tbl_df object dplyr uses the collect function.


## Source: local data frame [1,584 x 2]
##    Incident.Zip      n
##           (int)  (int)
## 1            NA 191036
## 2             0    405
## 3             1      1
## 4            11      1
## 5            24      1
## 6            31      1
## 7            46      1
## 8            83    261
## 9           116      1
## 10          117      1
## ..          ...    ...

compute and collapse also force a full query but have slightly different behavior and return types.

Creating Indexes

(db_index = src_sqlite("~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311_index.sqlite", create = TRUE))

## src:  sqlite 3.8.6 [~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311_index.sqlite]
## tbls:

nyc_index = copy_to(db_index, nyc, temporary = FALSE,
                    index = list("Agency", "Incident.Zip"))

The indexed database takes up more disk space:

cr173@saxon [~]$ ls -lh ~cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/*.sqlite
total 740M
-rw-r--r--+ 1 cr173 visitor 2.6G Oct 21 01:14 /home/vis/cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311_index.sqlite
-rw-r--r--+ 1 cr173 visitor 2.4G Oct 21 01:20 /home/vis/cr173/Sta523/data/nyc/nyc_311.sqlite

Timings for filtering bad dates

system.time(nyc_sql %>% filter( Agency == "NYPD" ) %>% collect())

##   user  system elapsed 
##  9.272   2.959  12.222 

system.time(nyc_index %>% filter( Agency == "NYPD") ) %>% collect())

##   user  system elapsed 
##  7.854   1.408   9.253 

Timings for grouping

system.time(nyc_sql %>% group_by(Incident.Zip) %>% 
            summarize(count = n()) %>%  

##    user  system elapsed
##  19.751   3.691  23.423

system.time(nyc_index %>% group_by(Incident.Zip) %>% 
            summarize(count = n()) %>%  

##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.644   0.171   1.814

