tau.sq IG hyperpriors shape=2.00000 and scale=0.10000 phi Unif hyperpriors a=0.05773 and b=0.05774 ------------------------------------------------- Sampling ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 100 of 300, 33.33% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 64.0 0.85960 tau.sq 40.0 0.36375 phi 82.0 0.85960 ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 200 of 300, 66.67% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 46.0 1.38917 tau.sq 18.0 0.34949 phi 60.0 2.33662 ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 300 of 300, 100.00% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 42.0 1.50487 tau.sq 34.0 0.32913 phi 40.0 4.00966 ------------------------------------------------- [ perf record: Woken up 5 times to write data ] [ perf record: Captured and wrote 2.388 MB perf.data (61537 samples) ] cr173@smith [example_prof]$ perf report cr173@smith [example_prof]$ sudo htop [sudo] password for cr173: cr173@smith [example_prof]$ exit logout Connection to smith.stat.duke.edu closed. rundel@tbBook [~]$ docker ps --all CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 423b31ec38a6 openblasr/geospatial "bash" 2 hours ago Up About an hour naughty_franklin rundel@tbBook [~]$ docker attach naughty_franklin [root@423b31ec38a6 /]# cd work/ [root@423b31ec38a6 work]# ls 1_lm.R 2_loess.R 3_spbayes.R data.rds example_prof.Rproj perf.data perf.data.old [root@423b31ec38a6 work]# rm perf.data* rm: remove regular file 'perf.data'? y rm: remove regular file 'perf.data.old'? y [root@423b31ec38a6 work]# perf record Rscript 3_spbayes.R Couldn't record kernel reference relocation symbol Symbol resolution may be skewed if relocation was used (e.g. kexec). Check /proc/kallsyms permission or run as root. ---------------------------------------- General model description ---------------------------------------- Model fit with 110 observations. Number of covariates 1 (including intercept if specified). Using the gaussian spatial correlation model. Using adaptive MCMC. Number of batches 300. Batch length 50. Target acceptance rate 0.43000. Priors and hyperpriors: beta normal: mu: 0.000 cov: 1000.000 sigma.sq IG hyperpriors shape=2.00000 and scale=2.00000 tau.sq IG hyperpriors shape=2.00000 and scale=0.10000 phi Unif hyperpriors a=0.05773 and b=0.05774 ------------------------------------------------- Sampling ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 100 of 300, 33.33% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 64.0 0.85960 tau.sq 50.0 0.34257 phi 88.0 0.85960 ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 200 of 300, 66.67% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 50.0 1.44586 tau.sq 36.0 0.36375 phi 64.0 2.33662 ------------------------------------------------- Batch: 300 of 300, 100.00% parameter acceptance tuning sigma.sq 36.0 1.50487 tau.sq 42.0 0.34949 phi 52.0 4.00966 ------------------------------------------------- [ perf record: Woken up 7 times to write data ] [ perf record: Captured and wrote 2.137 MB perf.data (53819 samples) ] [root@423b31ec38a6 work]# perf report [root@423b31ec38a6 work]#