Week Date Topic Readings due Assignments due
Week 1 Tue 7/5 Introduction to course
Getting to know you
Writing: Introduction to academic writing
Wed 7/6 Stats: Data (mis)visualization
Stats: Introduction to data visualization with R and RStudio
Wheelan - Chp 2 (1) Survey: Getting to know you (more)
(2) Stats pre-test (Access code: PGM6571JMN)
Thur 7/7 Writing: Putting scholarly works in conversation, Citation & APA Style, Intro to Partner Work Wheelan - Chp 3 and Chp 4
Fri 7/8 Stats: Collecting and summarizing data
Writing: Structure: Response Paper, Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions
Writing: Think alouds/Partner review of CRP 1 - Draft 1
Wheelan - Chp 7 Critical response paper 1 - Draft 1
Sun 7/10 Critical response paper 1 - Draft 2 (due at 5pm)
Week 2 Mon 7/11 Writing: Writing Workshop 1: Large/Small Group
Stats: R review
Brandt - Chp 4 Stats assignment 1
Tue 7/12 Stats: Medical history of cigarette smoking and early research on the health hazards of smoking. How do we infer causality? What are confounding variables and how do they affect causality? Brandt - Chp 5
Wed 7/13 Stats: Quiz 1
Stats: Exploring and visualizing effects of smoking on pregnancy in R
Critical response paper 1 - Final
Thur 7/14 Writing: Style, Central Claims, and review APA style examples (if time permits)
Use this Peer Review Form to review teammates' drafts before Friday.
Brandt - Chp 6
Samji & Jackler (2009)
Critical response paper 2 - Draft 1 (due by 10pm)
Fri 7/15 Stats: Misuse of statistics in cigarette advertisements and how poor statistics can lead to misconceptions
Writing: Small team workshop of CRP 2 - Draft 1
Sun 7/17 Critical response paper 2 - Draft 2 (due at 5pm)
Week 3 Mon 7/18 Writing: Large/Small Group Writing Workshop of CRP2 - Draft 2; Reverse Outlining
Stats: Conditional probabilities
Introduce Final Project
Stats assignment 2
Tue 7/19 Media coverage of the revised recommendations for breast cancer screening - clarification or confusion?
Library resources
Wheelan - Chp 5
Kolata (2009)
Paulos (2009)
Wed 7/20 Stats: Quiz 2
Stats: Exploring and visualizing risk factors of breast cancer
Wheelan - Chp 6
Thur 7/21 Writing: Project first steps
Writing: Going from Research Topics to Questions
Writing: Introduction; Introduction example
Writing: Annotated Bibliography & Literature review; AB example
Research Questions
Booth et al. ch. 3
Booth et al. ch. 6
Annotated Bibliography
Critical response paper 2 - Final
Fri 7/22 No class Project dataset & research question - Draft 1 (due at 11:55pm)
Week 4 Mon 7/25 Stats: Statistical significance Stats assignment 3 (due at 9:30am)
Tue 7/26 Dataset & research question workshop
Wed 7/27 Stats: Quiz 3
Stats: Customizing your data visualization
Project annotated bibliography (due at 11:55pm)
Thur 7/28 Writing: Components of proposal
Methods Examples: Ex 1, Ex 2
Discussion Examples: Ex 1, Ex 2
Abstract Example
Discussion & Abstract
Project dataset & research question - Final Draft (due at 11:55pm)
Fri 7/29 Stats: Writing up your results
Stats: Data visualization workshop
Week 5 Mon 8/1 No class Stats assignment 4 (due at 9:30am)
Tue 8/2 No class Project Introduction & Methods - Draft 1 due at 5 pm for tomorrow's workshop (post to your team's Sakai Forum thread).
Use this Peer Review form to review your 2 teams' drafts.
Wed 8/3 Stats: Quiz 4
Writing: Writing workshop
Project EDA - Draft 1 (due at 11:55pm)
Project Results, Discussion & Abstract - Draft 1 due by 11:55 pm for tomorrow's workshop (post to your team's Sakai Forum thread).
Use this Peer Review form to review your 2 teams' drafts.
Thur 8/4 Writing: Writing workshop
Fri 8/5 Best practices for scientific posters
Stats: Data analysis workshop
Project Full proposal - Draft 1 due by 11:55 pm
Week 6 Mon 8/8 Writing: Project workshop and revisions Project EDA - Draft 2 (due at 11:55pm)
Tue 8/9 Stats: Project workshop and revisions Project poster - Draft
Wed 8/10 Project workshop and revisions
Thur 8/11 Poster Presentations Project paper and poster - Final