The table below reports 14 separate 2x2 tables of counts from 14 separate clinical trials of the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen. Each was a randomized, prospective clinical trial that studied women with early breast cancer split into two groups: treatment versus control. The treatment group received Tamoxifen treatment for an average of about one year, the control group received no treatment (some treatment and controls included chemotherapy too). The ``endpoint'' for the trials was breast cancer recurrence, so that each of the 14 studies delivers data in the form of ``two binomials'' informing on the relative risk (treatment versus control) of breast cancer recurrence. In the table, for each trial we have y0 recurrences out of the n0 in the control group, and y1 recurrences out of the n1 in the treatment group. TRIAL y1 n1 y0 n0 1 55 97 67 101 2 137 282 187 306 3 505 927 590 915 4 62 123 74 140 5 99 239 118 236 6 50 130 49 107 7 185 311 200 319 8 186 303 187 307 9 148 325 178 325 10 25 79 38 86 11 223 344 224 350 12 183 937 185 936 13 2 12 0 8 14 129 434 159 449 The data was presented by the Early Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group as reported in the 1998 paper "Tamoxifen for early breast cancer: an overview of the randomised trials", The Lancet, 351, 1451-1467. I'm grateful to Giovanni Parmigiani for providing this data.