STA 360: Bayesian and Modern Statistics


  • Peter Hoff (Lecturer), office hours Tue, Thu 9:30-10:30 Old Chem 219
  • Joseph Lawson (TA), office hours Wed 3:30-4:30 Old Chem 203B
  • Youngsoo Baek (TA), office hours Mon 1:30-3:30 Old Chem 203B
  • Aidan Gleich (TA), office hours Tue 3:00-5:00 Old Chem 203B
  • Manny Mokel (TA), office hours Wed 1:30-3:30 Old Chem 203B

Meeting times

  • Lecture : Mon, Wed 10:05-11:20, Old Chemistry 116
  • Lab 5579 : Fri 10:05-11:20, Old Chemistry 201
  • Lab 5580 : Fri 1:25-2:40, Old Chemistry 201


  • 40% Homework:
    • 10% per-late day penalty including weekends;
    • maximum of four one-day extensions per student.
  • 30% Quizzes
    1. Wed 02-14 in lecture.
    2. Wed 03-27 in lecture.
  • 30% Final: Mon 04-29 9:00-12:00, Old Chemistry 116.

The highest quiz score will be retained. There are no makeup quizzes. If you miss both quizzes you should consider withdrawing from the course. The last day to withdraw is 03-27, the day of the second quiz.