computer code
Stat 421-502
Design and analysis of experiments
12/08/10 Homework 9 assigned, due 12/15/10.
Quiz 2 will be on Mon, Dec 6.
11/29/10 Homework 8 assigned, due 12/06/10.
11/18/10 Homework 7 assigned, due 11/29/10.
11/10/10 Homework 6 assigned, due 11/17/10.
11/03/10 Homework 5 assigned, due 11/10/10.
10/25/10 Homework 4 assigned, due 11/01/10.
Quiz 1 will be on Wed, Nov 3.
10/18/10 Homework 3 assigned, due 10/25/10.
10/11/10 Homework 2 assigned, due 10/18/10.
10/04/10 Homework 1 assigned, due 10/11/10. Please follow the
homework guidelines.
Meeting times
- Peter Hoff
- Office: C-319 Padelford
- Office Hours: T Th 10:00-11:00 or by appointment.
- hoff at stat dot washington dot edu
- Yuwen Dai
- Office: Padelford B-302
- Office Hours: Th 1:30-3:30 or by appointment.
- daiyuwen at u dot washington dot edu
- Hoff, P., "Lecture notes"
- R Development Core Team, "An Introduction to R"
pdf ).
- Montgomery, D., "Design and Analysis of experiments" (any edition,
recommended but not required).
The supported software for 502 is the
R statistical environment.
R code will be provided for most of the in-class
data analysis examples.
Approximate schedule:
Week 1 : Experiments, test statistics, completely randomized
designs, significance testing
Week 2 : Review of normal theory tests and confidence intervals,
basic decision theory, power and sample size
Week 3 : Treatment effects model,
Week 4 : SS decomposition, geometric interpretation
Week 5 : Treatment comparisons, model diagnostics
Week 6 : Factorial treatment designs
Week 7 : ANOVA decomposition for the additive model
Week 8 : ANOVA for the interaction model, model comparison,
and normal-theory testing
Week 9 : Complete and incomplete block designs, Latin square designs
Week 10 : Fractional Factorial designs, aliasing, confounding,
Week 11 : Split plot designs, different size experimental units,
repeated measures
My current plan is to have
- about 7 or 8 regular homeworks,
- three in-class quizzes.
- a take-home midterm and a take-home final.
Homeworks and quizzes will be worth 40 points, and take-homes worth 60 points.
Late policy:
Each turned in item receives an initial grade of
x, then the actual grade is y=x exp(-d/8), where d is
the number of working days after the due date I receive the work.
Everyone receives one grace day to be applied to
one homework for the entire quarter.