2020-04-21: Final exam posted, due 5-1.
2020-04-08: Hw10 posted, due 4-20.
2020-04-06: Read AOS Chapter 10 focusing on 10.7.
2020-04-01: Hw9 posted, due 4-8. Continue reading AOS Chapter 10.
2020-03-25: Hw8 posted, due 4-1. Start reading AOS Chapter 10.
2020-03-23: Welcome to 532 online. Access the 532 Zoom meeting via Sakai.
2020-03-16: No classes this week. Classes resume online March 23. Hw7 is due 3-25.
2020-03-04: Hw7 posted, due 3-18. Finish AOS Chapter 9.
2020-02-26: Hw6 posted, due 3-4. Read AOS Chapters 6 and 9.
2020-02-13: Reminder, Quiz 1 is on 2020-02-24. You are allowed one sheet of notes. Previous quizzes are in Materials directory.
2020-02-12: Hw5 posted, due 2-19. Finish reading AOS Chapter 5.
2020-02-05: Hw4 posted, due 2-12. Start reading AOS Chapters 4 and 5.
2020-01-29: Hw3 posted, due 2-5.
2020-01-27: SJ is back and has office hours starting today. Continue reading AOS Chapter 3.
2020-01-23: PH Thursday office hour moved to Friday, 1:30-2:30.
2020-01-22: Hw2 posted, due 1-29. Read AOS Chapters 2 and 3.
2020-01-13: Hw1 posted, due 1-22. Read AOS Chapters 1 and 2.
2020-01-08: Come to class.
Late homework receives a 10% penalty per day.