

Hierarchical Modeling

Lectures: MWF 9:30-10:20, SAV 409
Lab: Tu 9:30-10:20, PDL C301

  • Peter Hoff ( pdhoff )
  • C-319 Padelford
  • Office Hours: 9:00-10:00 Tue and Thu
  • Mingwei Tang ( mingwt )
  • A-318 Padelford
  • Office Hours: 12:30-1:30 Mon, 4:00-5:00 Thu
Please include "560" (without quotes) in any emails to allow for appropriate filtering.
    Week 10:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 7, Covariance models.
    Week 9:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 7, GLMMs.
    Week 8:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 7.
    • Homework: Homework 6 is due 6/6/16.
    Week 7:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 6.
    • Homework: Homework 5 is due 5/23/16.
    Week 6:
    • Reading: Start PH Chapter 6.
    • Homework: Homework 4 is due 5/11/16.
    Week 5:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 5.
    • Homework: Homework 3 is due 5/2/16.
    Week 4:
    • Reading: Finish PH Chapter 3, and read the lecture slides on modeling assumptions.
    • Homework: Homework 3 is due 5/2/16.
    Week 3:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 3.
    • Homework: Homework 2 is due 4/20/16.
    Week 2:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 2.
    Week 1:
    • Reading: PH Chapter 1.
    • Homework: Homework 1 is due 4/11/16.

Course Outline

  1. ANOVA and random effects ANOVA
  2. ANCOVA and random effects ANCOVA
  3. Linear mixed effects models
  4. Specialized methods and models
    • multiple hierarchies
    • repeated measures
    • generalized linear mixed effects models

  • Seven or eight homework assignments.
  • Late policy: Each turned in item receives an initial grade of x, then the actual grade is y=x exp(-d/8), where d is the number of days (including weekends) after the due date I receive the work. Everyone receives one grace day to be applied to one homework for the entire quarter.
  • I follow the UW grading system for graduate students. The distribution of grades I gave the last time I taught this course is here.