supplementary material
CSSS-Stat 564
Bayesian Statistics
TTh, 10:30-11:50 , MOR 225
Th, 1:30-2:20, SMI 311
- Peter Hoff ( pdhoff )
- C-319 Padelford
- Office Hours: 10:30-11:30 M and W
Teaching Assistant
- Maryclare Griffin ( mgrffn )
- C-318 Padelford
- Office Hours: 11:30-12:30 W and F
Please include "564" (without quotes) in any emails to allow for appropriate filtering.
Week 10:
- Reading: Finish PH Chapter 9, start Chapter 10.
- Homework: Homework 8 due Thu 6/9/16.
Week 9:
- Reading: Finish PH Chapter 8, start Chapter 9.
- Homework: Homework 7 due Tue 5/31/16.
Week 8:
- Reading: Finish PH Chapter 7, start Chapter 8.
- Homework: 7.4 and 7.6. For 7.4 part d, only do d.iii. Due Tue
Week 7:
- Reading: Finish PH Chapter 6, 7.1-7.4
Week 6:
- Reading: PH 5.3, 5.4, 6.1.
- Homework: Homework 5 due Tue 5/17/16.
Week 5:
- Reading: PH Chapter 5.
- Homework: Book exercises 5.1 and 5.2, due Thu 5/5/16.
Week 4:
- Reading: PH Chapter 4 and start Chapter 5.
- Homework: Book exercises 4.2 and 4.3, due Tue 4/26/16.
Week 3:
- Reading: PH Chapter 3 and start Chapter 4.
- Homework: Book exercises 3.2, 3.3 and 3.9, due Tue 4/19/16.
Week 2:
Week 1:
- Reading: PH Chapter 1. Start Chapter 2.
- Homework: Homework 1 is due Tue 4/12/16.
Course Outline
- Concepts of randomness and probability
- Review of probability calculus
- Inference for binomial, Poisson and normal distributions
- Hierarchical models
- Multivariate normal distribution
- Linear regression models
- Generalized linear models
- Generalized linear mixed-effects models
Additionally, we will cover the basics of
Monte-Carlo integration and Markov chain Monte Carlo
(Gibbs sampling and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm).
This material will be covered concurrently with
the material listed above.
- Eight or so homework assignments.
- A pre-announced quiz, worth the same as a homework.
- Late policy: Each turned in item receives an initial grade of
x, then the actual grade is y=x exp(-d/8), where d is
the number of days (including weekends) after the due date I receive the work.
Everyone receives one grace day to be applied to
one homework for the entire quarter.
- I follow the UW grading system for graduate students. The distribution of grades I gave the last time
I taught this course is here.