STA 721: Linear Models

Course information

  • Instructor: Peter Hoff
    • Lecture: Mon, Wed 10:15-11:30, Perkins LINK 060 (Classroom 1)
    • Office hours: Tue, Thu 9:10-10:10 Old Chem 219
  • TA: Andy McCormack
    • Lab: Fri 10:15-11:30, Perkins LINK 060 (Classroom 1)
    • Office hours: Mon 2:00-3:00 Old Chem 203B, Fri 11:30-12:30 in Lab room or 203B


2022-11-18: Homework 11 assigned, due 5:00 2022-11-30.

2022-11-09: Homework 10 assigned, due 5:00 2022-11-18.

2022-11-02: Homework 9 assigned, due 5:00 2022-11-09.

2022-10-26: Homework 8 assigned, due 5:00 2022-11-02.

2022-10-19: Homework 7 assigned, due 5:00 2022-10-26.

2022-10-05: Quiz 1 next Friday 2022-10-14 in Lab.

2022-10-05: Homework 6 assigned, due in two weeks, 5:00 2022-10-19.

2022-09-28: Homework 5 assigned, due 5:00 2022-10-05.

2022-09-21: Homework 4 assigned, due 5:00 2022-09-28.

2022-09-14: Homework 3 assigned, due 5:00 2022-09-21.

2022-09-13: Andyโ€™s Thursday 12:00 office hour will be moved to Monday 2:00-3:00 starting next week.

2022-09-07: Homework 2 assigned, due 5:00 2022-09-14.

2022-08-31: Homework 1 assigned, due 5:00 2022-09-07.

2022-08-29: Read the first set of notes and the related material in SL.

Tentative schedule of topics

  1. General theory
    • Least-squares approximation
    • Best linear unbiased estimation
    • Distributon theory
    • Testing and prediction
    • Penalized least squares and Bayesian inference
  2. Specific models
    • ANOVA
    • Mixed-effects models
    • Multivariate linear model


  • 40% Homework (10% per-late day penalty including weekends).
  • 15% Quiz 1: Friday 10-14 in lab.
  • 15% Quiz 2: Friday 12-02 in lab.
  • 30% Final: Friday 12-16 2:00-5:00.