STA 790: Special Topics - Extra Linear Models
Personnel and meeting times
Peter Hoff
Lecture : Tue, Thu 3:05-4:20, Old Chemistry 025
Office hours: Mon, Wed 9:00-10:30 and by appointment, Old Chem 219
Course outline
Errors in variables models
Partial least squares
Multilinear models
Nonparametric regression
Course materials
Lecture materials
Canvas webpage
Errors in variables
Fuller (1987) “Measurement Error Models”
Gleser (1981) “Estimation in a Multivariate
Errors in Variables
regression model: large sample results”
Deming regression vignette
Partial least squares
Helland (1990)
Garthwaite (1992)
Course project
individual or group projects;
three pages per person;
accompanying .Rmd or .Rnw file.