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Gene set: V$HTF_01 (C3:TFAC:0292)
Standard nameV$HTF_01
Systematic nameC3:TFAC:0292
Brief descriptionGenes with 3'UTR containing motif NNWWWWNGMCACGTCATYNYWNNN. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
CategoryC3: Motif
Sub-categoryTFAC: Transfac
Full description or Abstract
SY hepatocarcinogenesis-related transcription factor.
OS rat, Rattus norvegicus
OC eukaryota; animalia; metazoa; chordata; vertebrata; tetrapoda; mammalia;
OC eutheria; rodentia; myomorpha; muridae; murinae
HO xbp-1 (human) [2] [1]
CL C0008; bZIP.
SZ 267 AA; 29.7 kDa (calc)
SC translated from EMBL #AB030238
FT 52 87 basic region (16/36).
FT 61 125 PF00170; bZIP.
FT 61 125 SM00338; BRLZ.
FT 91 126 leucine zipper (L6).
FT 167 179 glutamine-/proline-rich region (8/13).
FF increased mRNA levels in hepatocellular carcinoma [2]
RN [1]; RE0017548.
RX MEDLINE; 20137507.
RA Kokura K., Kishimoto T., Tamura T.
RT Identity between rat htf and human xbp-1 genes: determination of gene
RT structure, target sequence, and transcription promotion function for HTF.
RL Gene 241:297-307 (2000).
RN [2]; RE0017555.
RX MEDLINE; 96268751.
RA Kishimoto T., Kokura K., Kumagai Y., Makino Y., Tamura T.
RT HTF: A b-ZIP transcription factor that is closely related to the human
RT XBP/TREB5 and is activated by hepatocellular carcinoma in rats.
RL Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 223:746-751 (1996).
Publication URLna
External linksna
Keywords & MeSH headingsna
Contributed byBroad Institute
Source platformSeq_Accession

73 genes, 73 accessions (Toggle view)

MN1MN1meningioma (disrupted in balanced translocation) 1Source|GeneCards
ETPCYT2phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamineSource|GeneCards
ARL8ARL8ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8Source|GeneCards
TM4SF13TSPAN13tetraspanin 13Source|GeneCards
FLJ21616FLJ21616hypothetical protein FLJ21616Source|GeneCards
BCL11BBCL11BB-cell CLL/lymphoma 11B (zinc finger protein)Source|GeneCards
CPNE1CPNE1RNA binding motif protein 12Source|GeneCards
EML1EML1echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 1Source|GeneCards
SEC61A1SEC61A1Sec61 alpha 1 subunit (S. cerevisiae)Source|GeneCards
NUMBLNUMBLnumb homolog (Drosophila)-likeSource|GeneCards
DNAJB4DNAJB4DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 4Source|GeneCards
RGS1RGS1regulator of G-protein signalling 1Source|GeneCards
FLJ44635FLJ44635TPT1-like proteinSource|GeneCards
ASXL2ASXL2additional sex combs like 2 (Drosophila)Source|GeneCards
SRP54SRP54signal recognition particle 54kDaSource|GeneCards
ZNF537ZNF537zinc finger protein 537Source|GeneCards
IL1RAPL1IL1RAPL1interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 1Source|GeneCards
VDPVDPvesicle docking protein p115Source|GeneCards
ZIC4ZIC4Zic family member 4Source|GeneCards
BUB3BUB3BUB3 budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 3 homolog (yeast)Source|GeneCards
SYT11SYT11synaptotagmin XISource|GeneCards
GRIA3GRIA3glutamate receptor, ionotrophic, AMPA 3Source|GeneCards
HMGB1HMGB1high-mobility group box 1Source|GeneCards
SND1SND1staphylococcal nuclease domain containing 1Source|GeneCards
PIP5K1APIP5K1Aphosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, alphaSource|GeneCards
KIAA1190ZNF651zinc finger protein 651Source|GeneCards
RFX4RFX4regulatory factor X, 4 (influences HLA class II expression)Source|GeneCards
NKX2-2NKX2-2NK2 transcription factor related, locus 2 (Drosophila)Source|GeneCards
ELF1ELF1E74-like factor 1 (ets domain transcription factor)Source|GeneCards
CREB3L1CREB3L1cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1Source|GeneCards
C13ORF10C13ORF10chromosome 13 open reading frame 10Source|GeneCards
KLF14KLF14Kruppel-like factor 14Source|GeneCards
COG3COG3component of oligomeric golgi complex 3Source|GeneCards
NPAS2NPAS2neuronal PAS domain protein 2Source|GeneCards
ITM1ITM1integral membrane protein 1Source|GeneCards
PAK1IP1PAK1IP1PAK1 interacting protein 1Source|GeneCards
ATBF1ATBF1AT-binding transcription factor 1Source|GeneCards
POLGPOLGpolymerase (DNA directed), gammaSource|GeneCards
FLJ25477FLJ25477hypothetical protein FLJ25477Source|GeneCards
GBF1GBF1Golgi-specific brefeldin A resistance factor 1Source|GeneCards
HM13HM13histocompatibility (minor) 13Source|GeneCards
SIK2SNF1LK2SNF1-like kinase 2Source|GeneCards
ARMCX2ARMCX2armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 2Source|GeneCards
DHDDSDHDDSdehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthaseSource|GeneCards
C18ORF23C18ORF23chromosome 18 open reading frame 23Source|GeneCards
FLJ20291FLJ20291hypothetical protein FLJ20291Source|GeneCards
UBQLN1UBQLN1ubiquilin 1Source|GeneCards
OLIG3OLIG3oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3Source|GeneCards
DNM3DNM3dynamin 3Source|GeneCards
PRRX1PRRX1paired related homeobox 1Source|GeneCards
SUHW3SUHW3suppressor of hairy wing homolog 3 (Drosophila)Source|GeneCards
PHF15PHF15PHD finger protein 15Source|GeneCards
CCND1CCND1cyclin D1 (PRAD1: parathyroid adenomatosis 1)Source|GeneCards
C17ORF28C17ORF28chromosome 17 open reading frame 28Source|GeneCards
MORF4L2MORF4L2mortality factor 4 like 2Source|GeneCards
FKBP14FKBP14FK506 binding protein 14, 22 kDaSource|GeneCards
STK22BSTK22Bserine/threonine kinase 22B (spermiogenesis associated)Source|GeneCards
STAT3STAT3signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)Source|GeneCards
SGKSGKserum/glucocorticoid regulated kinaseSource|GeneCards
JADE1PHF17PHD finger protein 17Source|GeneCards
HOXC4HOXC4homeo box C4Source|GeneCards
TYRO3TYRO3TYRO3 protein tyrosine kinaseSource|GeneCards
COL1A2COL1A2collagen, type I, alpha 2Source|GeneCards
NMNAT2NMNAT2nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 2Source|GeneCards
C1ORF9C1ORF9chromosome 1 open reading frame 9Source|GeneCards
FLJ20259FLJ20259FLJ20259 proteinSource|GeneCards
SFRS2SFRS2splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2Source|GeneCards
HOXA9HOXA9homeo box A9Source|GeneCards
UFC1UFC1ubiquitin-fold modifier conjugating enzyme 1Source|GeneCards
ATRNL1ATRNL1attractin-like 1Source|GeneCards
SOX14SOX14SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 14Source|GeneCards
FLJ10871FLJ10871hypothetical protein FLJ10871Source|GeneCards
NLGN2NLGN2neuroligin 2Source|GeneCards