denreg <- function(x, y, is.obs = rep(1, length(y)), ndir = 2, nnode = NULL, pars = NULL, hpar = NULL, tune = NULL, to_tune = TRUE, nsweep = 100, glen = 101, y.base = c("tee", "burr", "uni"), y.par = NULL, drop = 0){ ## This is the main code to fit the spLGP model: ## y[i] ~IND f(.| Px[i]) ## where Px denotes the projection of x to the central subspace ## modeled by P. Right censored y[i] values are allowed. The function ## arguments are: ## ## Name : Description ## --------------------------------------------------------- ## x : covariates matrix (obs on the rows, variables on the columns) ## y : response vector ## is.obs : a vector of 0/1 indicating whether y[i] is observed or right censored ## ndir : dimension of the subspace projection ## nnode : number of nodes to be used in GP approximation ## pars : parameter initialization, ## hpar : vector of hyperparameters (a robust default is available), ## tune : Metropolis-Hastings tuning parameters ## to_tune : whether M-H is to be automatically retuned by updating _tune_ ## as the mcmc progresses (retuning is recommended, if used retuning ## will stop at the 40% mark of iterations, ## nsweep : number of mcmc iterations to be run, ## glen : length of the grid to be used along the y-axis, ## y.base : type of base transformation to be used. Avialble options are ## a t(df > 2) appropriate for unbounded response, a Burr density, appropriate ## for positive data in survival analysis, and a uniform density appropriate ## for a bounded response ## y.par : parameters to be used in the base transformation, a data dependent ## choice will be made if left unspecified. ## drop : can be used to hold some parameters fixed while running the mcmc ## (not well implemented, safe to use drop = 0 which leaves all parameters ## to mcmc updates). ## ## This function returns a list containing, among other things, ## sampled parameters (in $pars), the final tune vector (in $tune, ## which might be different from _tune_ if _to_tune_ was set "TRUE"), ## the parameters of the base transformation (in $y.par), etc. The ## returned list is of class "splgp", for which print(), plot() and ## predict() are available (see below). require(class) n <- length(y) x <- matrix(x, nrow = n) p <- ncol(x) sx <- scale(x) if(ndir > p){ ndir <- p warning(paste("reducing ndir to its maximum value p = ", p)) } if(is.null(nnode)){ nnode <- min(max(5,ceiling(3*log(n))),n) } if(is.null(hpar)){ hpar <- c(1, 1, 10, 1 / p, 1, 1) } if(is.null(tune)){ tune <- c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 4.0) } if(y.base[1] == "tee"){ fitBase <- fitTee pBase <- pTee qBase <- qTee } else if(y.base[1] == "burr"){ if(min(y) < 0){ stop("Some responses are not positive.\n A Burr transform is inappropriate") } fitBase <- fitBurr pBase <- pBurr qBase <- qBurr } else if(y.base[1] == "uni"){ fitBase <- fitUni pBase <- pUni qBase <- qUni } else { stop("Requested base transform not found.\n Use 'tee', 'burr' or 'uni'") } if(is.null(y.par)){ y.par <- fitBase(y) } uy <- pBase(y, y.par) xnorm.max <- sqrt(max(rowSums(sx^2))) ux <- sx / xnorm.max if(is.null(pars)){ s.kmn <- kmeans(cbind(ux, uy), nnode)$center nx <- as.matrix(s.kmn[,1:p]) ny <- s.kmn[,p + 1] invsig2 <- rgamma(1, hpar[3] / 2, hpar[3] * hpar[4] / 2) beta.x <- matrix(rnorm(ndir * p), ncol = ndir) / sqrt(invsig2) beta2.y <- (hpar[6] * log(1 + rgamma(1, hpar[5], 1)))^2 b2xnorm <- sqrt(colSums(beta.x^2)) print(b2xnorm) nx <- nx %*% scale(beta.x, center = FALSE, scale = b2xnorm) cat("dim(nx) = ", dim(nx), "\n") invtau2 <- rgamma(1, hpar[1] / 2, hpar[1] * hpar[2] / 2) om <- exp(-as.matrix(dist(nx %*% diag(b2xnorm, ndir))) - beta2.y * outer(ny, ny, "-")^2) R <- chol(om) xi <- solve(R, rnorm(nnode)) / sqrt(invtau2) pars <- as.double(c(logit(0.5 * (1 + nx)), logit(ny), beta.x, beta2.y, xi)) } print(I <- nnode * ndir + nnode + ndir * p + 1 + nnode) par.dims <- c(n, p, ndir, nnode, glen, nsweep, drop) dyn.load("") runtime <- system.time(out <- .C("denreg", as.double(ux), as.double(uy), as.integer(is.obs), as.integer(par.dims), pars = as.double(pars), as.double(hpar), acpt = as.double(rep(0, 5)), tune = as.double(tune), as.integer(to_tune), = double(nsweep * I), logpost = double(nsweep), loglik = double(nsweep) ) )[3] dyn.unload("") out <- list(runtime = runtime, tune = out$tune, acpt = out$acpt, nsweep = nsweep, grid = grid, logpost = out$logpost, loglik = out$loglik, deviance = - 2 * out$loglik, pars = matrix(out$, nrow = I), x = x, y = y, is.obs = is.obs, dims = par.dims, hpar = hpar, grid = grid, y.base = y.base[1], y.par = y.par ) class(out) <- "splgp" return(out) } print.splgp <- function(obj){ ## Print method for the output of denreg(). ## Gives a basic summary of the MCMC run. cat("Successfully ran ",obj$nsweep,"MCMC loops in ",obj$runtime,"seconds.\nParameter acceptance rates are\n") print(obj$acpt) } plot.splgp <- function(obj, start = 1, draw.deviance = FALSE){ ## Plot method for the output of denreg(). ## Gives a basic visual summary of the MCMC run. ## Produces the trace plot of the subspace projection ## matrix (or a basis of it if the subspace dimension ## is 1. Also produces traceplot of deviance if desired. n <- obj$dims[1] p <- obj$dims[2] ndir <- obj$dims[3] nnode <- obj$dims[4] nsweep <- obj$nsweep bz.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + 1:(ndir * p) by.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + ndir * p + 1 l.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + ndir * p + 1 + 1:nnode if(draw.deviance){ par(mfrow = c(1 , 2)) } if(ndir == 1){ b <- matrix(obj$pars[bz.ix, ], nrow = p) cat("dim(b) = ", dim(b), "\n") bz.norm <- sqrt(apply(b^2, 2, sum)) plot(0, 0, ty = "n", xlim = c(0, nsweep), ylim = c(-1, 1), ann = F) for(i in 1:p){ lines(b[i, ] / bz.norm, col = i) #grey(1 - i / p)) } title(xlab = "sweep", ylab = "B") } else if(ndir == p){ lams <- obj$pars[l.ix, start:nsweep] dlams <- list() mlams <- rep(NA, nnode) for(i in 1:nnode){ dlams[[i]] <- density(lams[i, ]) mlams[i] <- max(dlams[[i]]$y) } plot(0, 0, ty = "n", xlim = range(lams), ylim = c(0, max(mlams)), ann = F) for(i in 1:nnode){ lines(dlams[[i]], col = i) } title(xlab = "lambdas", ylab = "density") } else { ss <- start:nsweep if(nsweep > 1e3) ss <- seq(start, nsweep, len = 1e3) Pmat <- apply(obj$pars[bz.ix, ss], 2, getP, d = ndir) plot(0, 0, ty = "n", xlim = c(0, nsweep), ylim = c(-1, 1), ann = F) for(i in 1:(p^2)){ lines(ss, Pmat[i, ], col = i) } title(xlab = "sweep", ylab = "projmat") } if(draw.deviance){ plot(obj$deviance, ty = "l", xlab = "sweep", ylab = "Deviance") } } summary.splgp <- function(obj, start = 1, eps = .1, trace.deviance = FALSE){ ## Plot method for the output of denreg(). ## Gives a basic visual summary of the MCMC run. ## Produces the trace plot of the subspace projection ## matrix (or a basis of it if the subspace dimension ## is 1. Also produces traceplot of deviance if desired. n <- obj$dims[1] p <- obj$dims[2] ndir <- obj$dims[3] nnode <- obj$dims[4] nsweep <- obj$nsweep bz.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + 1:(ndir * p) l.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + ndir * p + 1 + 1:nnode ss <- start:nsweep Pmat <- apply(obj$pars[bz.ix, ss], 2, getP, d = ndir) dimnames(Pmat)[[1]] <- paste("projmat[", rep(1:p, p), ", ", rep(1:p, each = p), "]", sep = "") require(coda) pmat.mcmc <- as.mcmc(t(Pmat)) hd <- heidel.diag(pmat.mcmc, eps = eps) cat("Heidel diagnostics on projection matrix elemets:\n") cat(round(100 * mean(hd[,1], na.rm = TRUE)), "% passed stationarity test.\n") cat("Quantiles of half-width to mean ratio:\n") hwm <- quantile(abs(hd[,6] / hd[,5]), c(.5, .75, .9, .95, .99), na.rm = TRUE) print(round(hwm, 2)) if(trace.deviance){ dev <- obj$deviance[start:nsweep] names(dev) <- "deviance" plot(as.mcmc(cbind(deviance = dev))) } cat("\n") invisible(pmat.mcmc) } predict.splgp <- function(obj, xnew, subset = NULL, prob = NULL){ ## predict function for denreg(). _obj_ must be an object of class "splgp" ## as returned by the denreg() function. _xnew_ is a matrix with same ## number of columns as in x. _subset_ gives the mcmc iterations ## to be used to approximate the posterior, default is to take the ## entire second half of the run. _prob_ denotes the probabilities ## for which predictive quantiles are to be calculated. par.dims <- obj$dims if(is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:par.dims[6] if(is.null(prob)) prob <- c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975) p <- ncol(obj$x) sx <- scale(obj$x) xnorm.max <- sqrt(max(rowSums(sx^2))) ux <- sx / xnorm.max xnew <- matrix(xnew, ncol = p) uxnew <- scale(xnew, center = attr(sx, "scaled:center"), scale = attr(sx, "scaled:scale")) uxnew <- uxnew / xnorm.max par.dims[1] <- nrow(xnew) par.dims[6] <- length(subset) par.dims <- c(par.dims[-7], length(prob)) dyn.load("") out <- .C("pred", as.double(obj$pars[, subset]), as.double(uxnew), as.integer(par.dims), as.double(prob), q = double(length(prob) * nrow(xnew)), f = double(par.dims[5] * nrow(xnew)), F = double(par.dims[5] * nrow(xnew)) ) dyn.unload("") if(obj$y.base == "tee"){ qBase <- qTee dBase <- dTee } else if(obj$y.base == "burr"){ qBase <- qBurr dBase <- dBurr } else if(obj$y.base == "uni"){ qBase <- qUni dBase <- dUni } else { stop("no match found for base") } CI <- matrix(out$q, ncol = nrow(xnew)) CI <- qBase(CI, obj$y.par) y.grid <- qBase(seq(0, 1, len = par.dims[5]), obj$y.par) fmean <- dBase(y.grid, obj$y.par) * matrix(out$f, ncol = nrow(xnew)) Fmean <- matrix(out$F, ncol = nrow(xnew)) return(list(CI = CI, fmean = fmean, Fmean = Fmean, y.grid = y.grid)) } project <- function(obj, subset = NULL, rotate = FALSE){ ## This function is used to summarize posterior of the central subspace. ## It returns a basis (in $ of the Bayes estimate central subspace ## as well as the distance (in $dist) of each subspace from the Bayes ## estimate subspace. Also included is the index (in $ of the sampled ## subspaces that corresponds to the estimated subspace. par.dims <- obj$dims if(is.null(subset)){ subset <- 1:par.dims[6] } p <- par.dims[2] ndir <- par.dims[3] nnode <- par.dims[4] bz.ix <- nnode * ndir + nnode + 1:(ndir * p) B <- obj$pars[bz.ix, subset] x <- as.matrix(obj$x) B.orig <- B if(rotate){ S <- cov(x) R <- chol(S) B <- matrix(R %*% matrix(B, nrow = p), nrow = p * ndir) x <- x %*% solve(R) } Px <- apply(B, 2, getPx, x = x, d = ndir) if(all(sd(t(Px)) == 0)){ <- 1 } else{ sPx <- scale(t(Px), scale = FALSE) dist <- rowSums(sPx^2) <- which.min(dist) } <- matrix(B.orig[,], ncol = ndir) for(d in 1:ndir)[, d] <-[, d] / sqrt(sum([, d]^2)) rownames( <- names(obj$x) Pmat <- apply(B, 2, getP, d = ndir) dist <- apply(Pmat, 2, trace.dist, P2 = Pmat[,], dim = ndir) dist[] <- 0 return(list( =, dist = dist, = } <- function(d, dcand, p){ ## Given a "true" dimension _d_, returns a heuristic approximation ## to the radius of a posterior (1-alpha) credible ball of the ## central subspace, fitted with a model using _dcand_ as the dimension, ## for small alpha > 0. <- dcand + pmax(0, 2 * d - p - dcand) return(sqrt(1 - / d)) } Dstat <- function(rad, p){ ## Given the radii _rad_ of (1 - alpha) posterior credible balls ## (for some small alpha) from models fitted with d = 1, 2, ..., dmax, ## this function returns the dev() statistic [Eq (9)] for these candidate ## dimensions. dmax <- length(rad) st <- rep(NA, dmax) for(d in 1:dmax){ st[d] <- mean(abs(rad[d:dmax] -, dcand = d, p = p))) } return(st) } getPx <- function(v, x, d){ return(projmat(matrix(v, ncol = d)) %*% t(x)) } logit <- function(p){ return(log(p + 1e-6) - log((1 - p) + 1e-6)) } projmat <- function(B){ return(B %*% solve(crossprod(B), t(B))) } trace.dist <- function(P1, P2, dim = 2){ return(sqrt(max(0, 1 - sum(P1 * P2) / dim))) } fman5d <- function(x){ return(10 * sin(pi * x[,1] * x[,2]) + 20 * (x[,3] - 0.5)^2 + 10 * x[,4] + 5 * x[,5]) } lmean <- function(v){ v.max <- max(v) return(log(mean(exp(v - v.max))) + v.max) } ldexgam <- function(x, shape, scale){ z <- x / scale lf <- -log(scale) + z + dgamma(expm1(z), shape, rate = 1, log = TRUE) return(lf) } op2.dist <- function(P1, P2){ return(max(svd(P1 - P2)$d)) } getP <- function(v, d){ return(projmat(matrix(v, ncol = d))) } evaluate.lpost <- function(ux, uy, dims, pars, hpar, nsamp){ dyn.load("") out <- .C("getlpost", as.double(ux), as.double(uy), as.integer(dims), as.double(pars), as.double(hpar), lpost = double(nsamp), llik = double(nsamp) ) dyn.unload("") return(out$lpost) } int.trape <- function(f, x){ dx <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)] fave <- f[-1] + f[-length(f)] return(0.5 * sum(fave * dx)) } which.median <- function(x){ mx <- median(x) return(which.min(abs(x - mx))) } which.q <- function(x, prob = 0.5){ mx <- quantile(x, prob) return(which.min(abs(x - mx))) } rmse <- function(x, y) return(sqrt(mean((x - y)^2))) mad <- function(x, y) return(mean(abs(x - y))) getf <- function(obj, isamp, ngrid = 101){ x <- obj$x y <- obj$y N <- obj$dims[1] J <- obj$dims[2] D <- obj$dims[3] K <- obj$dims[4] G <- ngrid nu <- obj$nu grid <- seq(0, 1, len = G) hpar <- obj$hpar sy <- scale(y) sx <- scale(x) s.adj <- qt(0.75, df = nu) / qnorm(0.75) uy <- pt(s.adj * sy, df = nu) xnorm.max <- sqrt(max(rowSums(sx^2))) ux <- sx / xnorm.max if(D > 1) stop("Cannot plot for more than one directions\n") pars <- obj$pars[, isamp] xnodes <- tanh(0.5 * pars[1:(K*D)]) ynodes <- plogis(pars[K*D + 1:K]) betax <- pars[K*D + K + 1:(J*D)] betax.norm <- sqrt(sum(betax^2)) ubetax <- betax / betax.norm beta2y <- pars[K*D + K + J*D + 1] xi <- pars[K*D + K + J*D + 1 + 1:K] z <- ux %*% ubetax gz <- seq(-1, 1, length = G) nz <- betax.norm * xnodes nzg <- betax.norm * gz k.z <- exp(-outer(nzg, nz, "-")^2) k.y <- exp(-beta2y * outer(grid, ynodes, "-")^2) k.zy <- kronecker(k.z, rep(1, G)) * kronecker(rep(1, G), k.y) w <- matrix(k.zy %*% xi, ncol = G) w.cond <- apply(w, 2, max) f <- exp(scale(w, center = w.cond, scale = rep(1, G))) f.norm <- apply(f, 2, int.trape, x = grid) f <- scale(f, center = rep(0, G), scale = f.norm) cdf <- apply(f, 2, cumsum) cdf <- cdf - (outer(rep(1, G), f[1,]) + f) / 2 cdf <- cdf / (G - 1) plot(z, uy, pch = 19, cex = 0.5, xlim = c(-1,1), ylim = c(0,1), ann = F, col = grey(0.3)) contour(gz, grid, t(w), col = "grey", add = T, lty = 2, lwd = 0.5) cdf.lev <- c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975) cdf.col <- grey(1.5 * abs(cdf.lev - 0.5)) contour(gz, grid, t(cdf), levels = cdf.lev, col = cdf.col, add = T) points(xnodes, ynodes, pch = 10) title(xlab = "F(B'x)", ylab = "G0(y)") } pBurr <- function(x, par = c(1, 1, 1)){ k <- par[1] a <- par[2] S <- par[3] return(1 - (1 + x^k / S)^(-a)) } qBurr <- function(u, par = c(1, 1, 1)){ k <- par[1] a <- par[2] S <- par[3] return((S * ((1 - u)^(-1/a) - 1))^(1/k)) } dBurr <- function(x, par = c(1, 1, 1)){ k <- par[1] a <- par[2] S <- par[3] # return((a * k / S) * x^(k - 1) / (1 + x^k / S)^(a + 1)) return((a * k / S) / (1 / x^((k-1)/(a+1)) + x^((a*k-1)/(a+1)) / S)^(a + 1)) } fitBurr <- function(y){ if(any(y <= 0)){ stop("Data must be positive") } p <- c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95) qy <- quantile(y, p) distBurr <- function(par){ return(sum((pBurr(qy, exp(par)) - p)^2)) } par <- optim(rep(0,3), distBurr)$par return(as.numeric(exp(par))) } pTee <- function(x, par = c(0, 1, 3)){ m <- par[1] s <- par[2] df <- par[3] return(pt((x - m) / s, df)) } qTee <- function(u, par = c(0, 1, 3)){ m <- par[1] s <- par[2] df <- par[3] return(m + s * qt(u, df)) } dTee <- function(x, par = c(0, 1, 3)){ m <- par[1] s <- par[2] df <- par[3] return(dt((x - m) / s, df) / s) } fitTee <- function(y){ p <- c(0.05, .25, 0.5, .75, 0.95) qy <- quantile(y, p) distTee <- function(par){ return(sum((pTee(qy, c(par[1], exp(par[2]), 2 + exp(par[3]))) - p)^2)) } par <- optim(c(0,0,0), distTee)$par return(as.numeric(c(par[1], exp(par[2]), 2 + exp(par[3])))) # return(as.numeric(c(mean(y), sd(y)))) } pUni <- function(x, par = c(0, 1)){ return(punif(x, par[1], par[2])) } qUni <- function(u, par = c(0, 1)){ return(qunif(u, par[1], par[2])) } dUni <- function(x, par = c(0, 1)){ return(dunif(x, par[1], par[2])) } fitUni <- function(y){ ry <- range(y) dy <- diff(ry) return(ry + c(-1,1) * dy * .05) }