MTH136/STA114: Statistics

Homework #2

Due: Wednesday, Jan 31, 2001

  1. In a small clinical trial there are ten subjects, whose survival times (in days) are: 15 3 46 623 126 64 1350 23 279 1024 (with mean 355.3). One possible model for these data would specify that they are all INDEPENDENT exponentially-distributed random variables X1, ..., X10, with unknown parameter lambda, or EACH with pdf

    f(x) = (lambda) e-lambda x, x>0.

    We would like to learn more about lambda.
    1. Give the posterior density function xi(lambda|x) for the rate parameter lambda, starting with uniform prior xi(lambda)=1, normalized to be a probability density function (as a function of lambda on the interval 0<lambda<oo), so that the integral Int{0<lambda<oo} xi(lambda|x) = 1. Your xi(lambda|x) will be the product of a constant, a power of lambda, and the exponential of a negative constant times lambda; you must give the values of the constants and the power. Use Mathematica or Maple to evaluate the required integral; in your solution, give the Mathematica or Maple expression you used to evaluate it.
    2. Plot xi(lambda|x) as a function of lambda, using your choice of S-Plus, Matlab, Mathematica, or Maple. Turn in the plot and the computer code used to generate it. Identify (both numerically and graphically) the point where xi(lambda|x) attains its maximum value.
    3. Give the name of this distribution and the values of any parameters. You may find this list of probability distributions (ps, pdf) useful.
    4. Give the mean and standard deviation of this distribution. Again, the distribution list may be helpful: you are not asked to derive the mean or variance (no integration is necessary).
    5. Find an expression for the probability p of one-year survival, as a function of lambda, and find its expectation E[p|x] under the posterior distribution of lambda, correct to two decimal places, using S-Plus or Mathematica. Explain in your own words what are the meanings of these probabilities, in the context of the clinical trial.
    6. Using S-Plus, find a symmetric 90% posterior interval for lambda and, from this, a symmetric 90% posterior interval for the probability p of one-year survival.
    7. In fact these are the survival times of the first ten subjects in the Stanford Heart Transplant trial; your data last week were from these same subjects, in this same trial. How does today's estimate of p compare to last week's? Which requires more assumptions? Which uses more information from the data? Which do you prefer, and why?

  2. DeGroot Chapter 6 Section 2 Page 320 Problems 1,2,3,5,9