Date: June 9-11, 2014
Hosted at the Durham Convention Center by the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University
June 9-11, 2014
Hosted at the Durham Convention Center by the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University
The conference concerns data mining and the use of statistics in business and industry. Many, but not all, of the sessions will combine both themes.
The conference site aligns well with the conference themes. The Research Triangle in North Carolina is the home of three world-class universities, two world-class research hospitals, and it houses anumber of prominent industries that work in this domain, including the SAS Institute, MaxPoint Interactive, Quintiles, GlaxoSmithKline,and RTI.
ASMBI (Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry), the official ISBIS journal, is inviting ISBIS 2014 participants to submit their papers for a possible publication in a special issue devoted to ISBIS 2014. The submission deadline is October, 31st, 2014 and papers should be submitted here, and mention "ISBIS 2014" in the proper field related to a special issue submission.
Papers will be reviewed quickly, according to the usual ASMBI standards. The journal is particularly interested in papers with sound applications, stemming from real life problems and using good, possibly innovative, statistical and mathematical models, continuing the longstanding tradition of ASMBI. More information on ASMBI can be found here.
A limited amount of travel support is available to participants from developing nations. This support is made available by the International Statistical Institute (our parent organisation, which receives funding from The World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building) and by ISBIS. Travel support will be allocated among applicants based upon the decisions made by a committee chaired by the ISBIS president, Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi. Preference will be given to young statisticians, participants who will speak or present a poster, and to those who have not received World Bank funding in the past. Typically, only partial funding will be provided, so applicants are expected to get partial support from other sources.
To apply for travel funding, send email to, and cc David Banks ( The email should indicate the amount of support requested and the kind of participation that is intended. Because of the very recent availability of these funds, it may be possible to include some of the applicants in an invited session. Preference is given to applicants who have not received previous World Bank support.
Young Researchers attending ISBIS-2014 are eligible to compete for the ASA/NISS Best y-BIS Paper Awards. The best-paper awards consist of a cash prize ($500 for first place, $300 for second place, and $200 for third place) and there are separate awards for statisticians from developed and developing nations. The awards are funded by ISBIS, the American Statistical Association (ASA), and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences in the US (NISS). ISBIS is grateful to ASA and NISS for their continued support of the award.
To be considered for an award, the Young Researcher should (1) be a current student or have completed his/her last degree no earlier than January 2009 and (2) be an ISBIS member (free for full-time students) [join ISBIS here].
The submitted paper must deal with novel and interesting contributions to theory and methodology relating to problems in business and industrial statistics, or the innovative use of statistical methods to address a substantive application. The paper must be an unpublished original work. While it may have co-authors, it should be prepared mainly by the Young Researcher. Finally, it should be presented by the Young Researcher at ISBIS-2014 as either a talk or a poster.
If you are interested in participating in this competition, please send the paper and your curriculum vitae to Dr. Eric Laber ( by May 1, 2014. The winner will be announced during the banquet ceremony in Durham, NC.Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - ISBIS/SLDM Meeting