STA244 Linear Models

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We will be using R and WinBugs for data analysis.

Bayesian Methods website

Resources for R:

R Project Site: The R Project's homepage with Documentation, Downloading R, FAQs, more (subset given below)

An Introduction to R (the most up-to-date version of the Intro notes)


Bugs and WinBugs (Windows)

Running WinBUGS under LINUX (For DSS computers)

Running WinBUGS under MAC OSX

ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) provides a common, generic and useful interface to many statistical packages through Emacs. It currently has interfaces to S, R, XLisp-Stat, and SAS, with other statistical languages such as Stata, SPSS, and Fiasco slated for implementations in the future.

ESS Reference Card (pdf)

Running R/S-Plus with ESS locally

sample .emacs file for ACPUB (copy or use to modify) with ESS startup (Currently this works ONLY with xemacs)

Emacs Quick Reference Card

Emacs Quick Tutorial

Gnu Emacs Site and XEmacs Site

Getting Started with LaTeX

Introduction ( pdf , LaTeX source),

Including Graphs in LaTeX (adding-graphics.tex,, geyser-plot.pdf)

AucTeX (emacs mode for editing LaTeX) refcard (pdf)

Prosper Presentations (pdf, LaTeX source)

Prosper Manual

Other Useful Software for Windows (Ghostview, Acroread, Emacs, etc)

Updated January 7, 2009