Published or in press:
- Estrada R, Tomasi C, Schmidler SC, Farsiu, S (2015). Tree Topology Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol 37, No 8, pp 1688-1701.
- Rodriguez A, Schmidler SC (2014). Bayesian Protein Structure Alignment. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol 8, No 4, pp 2068-95.
- Herman JL, Challis CJ, Novak A, Hein J, Schmidler SC (2014).
Simultaneous Bayesian Estimation of Alignment and Phylogeny Under a
Joint Sequence-Structure Model. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vol 31, No 9, pp 2251-66.
- Wang R, Schmidler SC (2014). Bayesian Multiple Protein Structure Alignment. Proceedings 18th Annual Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8394, pp 326-339.
- Daniels KG, Tonthat NK, McClure DR, Chang Y, Liu X, Schumacher MA, Fierke CA, Schmidler SC, Oas TG (2014). Ligand Concentration Regulates the Pathways of Coupled Protein Folding and Binding. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol 136, No 3, pp 822–825.
- VanDerwerken D, Schmidler SC (2013). Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo. arXiv:1312.7479
- Ji C, Schmidler SC (2013). Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol 22, No 3, pp 708-728.
- Challis CJ, Schmidler SC (2012). A Stochastic Evolutionary Model for Protein Structure Alignment and Phylogeny. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vol 29, No 11, pp 3575-87.
- Wolpert RL, Schmidler SC
(2012). α-Stable
Limit Laws for Harmonic Mean Estimators of
Marginal Likelihoods. Statistica
Sinica, Vol 22, No 3, pp 1233-51.
- Zheng N, Schmidler SC, Marks D, Brady D (2011). Computer experiment and global optimization of layered monocentric lens systems. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol 123, No 14, pp 1249-59.
- Cooke B, Mattingly JC, McKinley SA, Schmidler SC (2011). Geometric Ergodicity of Two-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems With a Lennard-Jones-Like Repulsive Potential. arXiv:1104.3842
- Jia B, Li J, Huang S, Schmidler SC, Wu YK (2010). Electron Beam Energy Spread Measurements Using Optical Klystron Radiation. Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, Vol 13, No 8, 080702 pp 1-14.
- Wilson MA, Iversen ES, Clyde MA, Schmidler SC, Schildkraut JM (2010). Bayesian Model Search and Multilevel Inference for SNP Association Studies. Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol 4, No 3, pp 1342-64.
- Woodard DB, Schmidler SC, Huber M (2009). Sufficient Conditions for Torpid Mixing of Parallel and Simulated Tempering. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 14, pp 780-804.
- Cooke B, Schmidler SC (2008). Preserving the Boltzmann Ensemble in Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol 129, No 16, 164112 pp 1-17. (copyright notice, abstract)
(Also selected to appear in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol 16, No 9.)
- Colinas J, Bohrer G, Iordanov B, Schmidler SC, Benfey PN (2008). Intergenic and Genic Sequence Lengths Have Opposite Relationships with Respect to Gene Expression. PLoS ONE, Vol 3, No 11, pp e3670.
- Woodard DB, Schmidler SC, Huber M (2009). Conditions for Rapid Mixing of Parallel and Simulated Tempering on Multimodal Distributions. Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 19, No 2, pp 617-640.
- Valiaev A, Lim DW, Schmidler SC, Clark RL, Chilkoti A, Zauscher S (2008). Hydration and Conformational Mechanics of Single End-Tethered Elastin-Like Polypeptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol 130, No 33, pp 10939-10946. (Suppl. material)
- Cooke B, Schmidler SC (2008). Statistical Prediction and Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Biophysical Journal, Vol 95, No 10, pp 4497-4511. abstract
- Schmidler SC, Lucas J, Oas TG (2007). Statistical Estimation of Statistical Mechanical Models: Helix-Coil Theory and Peptide Helicity Prediction. Journal of Computational Biology, Vol 14, No 10, pp 1287-1310. (Dataset reference list)
- Jiang T, Tomasi C, Schmidler SC (2007). How to Dispatch Observers to Track an Evolving Boundary. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC '07), pp 305-312.
- Schmidler SC (2006). Fast Bayesian Shape Matching Using Geometric Algorithms (with discussion). Bayesian Statistics 8, Eds. J.M. Bernardo, S. Bayarri, J.O. Berger, A.P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A.F.M. Smith and M. West, Oxford University Press, pp 471-490.
- Valiaev A, Lim DW, Chilkoti A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2006). Polypeptide-Solvent Interactions Measured by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy. In Mechanical Behavior of Biological and Biomimetic Materials, Bushby A.J, Ferguson V.L., Ko C.-C., Oyen, M.-L., Eds., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 898E, MRS, Warrendale, PA.
- Schmidler SC (2003). Discussion of "A Statistical Approach to Modeling Genomic Aberrations in Cancer Cells" by Newton et al. Bayesian Statistics 7, Oxford University Press.
- Schmidler, SC, Liu, JS, Brutlag, DL (2000). Bayesian segmentation of protein secondary structure. Journal of Computational Biology, Vol 7, No 1/2, pp 233-248
- Schmidler SC, Liu JS, Brutlag DL (1999). Bayesian protein structure prediction. Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Vol 5, 363-378.
- Wu, TD, Schmidler, SC, Hastie, T, Brutlag, DL (1998). Regression analysis of multiple protein structures. Journal of Computational Biology, Vol 5, No 3, pp 585-595. (preprint version with color figures)
- Wu TD, Hastie T, Schmidler SC, Brutlag DL (1998). Regression analysis of multiple protein structures. Proceedings Second Annual Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB '98), ACM press, 1998, 276-284.
- Wu TD, Schmidler SC, Hastie T, Brutlag DL (1998). Modeling and superposition of multiple protein structures using affine transformations: analysis of the globins. In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing '98, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 507-518.
- Lansky, A, Friedman M, Getoor L, Schmidler S, Short, N. (1995). The COLLAGE/Khoros Link: Planning for Image Processing Tasks. Proceedings of the 1995 AAAI Spring Symposium on Integrated Planning Architectures.
Refereed Abstracts:
- Schmidler SC, Cooke B (2008). Failure of Replica-Exchange Dynamics to Generate the Boltzmann Ensemble. Biophysical Journal, 94: 2399 (meeting abstract).
- Sanders GD, Schmidler SC (2007). Effect of HPV Vaccine Characteristics and Implementation Strategies on Incidence of Disease. Medical Decision Making, 28(1): E14.
- Valiaev A, Lim DW, Chilkoti A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). Polypeptide-Solvent Interactions Measured by Single Molecular Force Spectroscopy. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Valiaev A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). A New Statistical Approach for the Quantitative Analysis of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Data. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Valiaev A, Lim DW, Chilkoti A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). Protein-Solvent Interactions in Surface-Grafted ELPs Measured by Single Molecular Force Spectroscopy. American Vacuum Society (AVS) 52nd International Symposium and Exhibit, Boston, MA.
- Schmidler SC (2004). Bayesian shape matching and protein structure alignment. In Bioinformatics, Images, and Wavelets, edited by Akroyd, RG, Barber, S, and Mardia KV. Proceedings of LASR 2004, Leeds Univeristy Press, Leeds, UK.
- Schmidler SC (2004). Bayesian shape matching and protein structure alignment. Institute of Mathematical Statistics/Bernoulli Society 6th World Bernoulli Congress
- Schmidler SC (2003). Stochastic Models for Non-Local Interactions in Biopolymer Sequences. Royal Statistical Society Theme Conference on Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics
- Schmidler SC (2003). Statistical Shape Analysis of Protein Structure Families. In R.G. Aykroyd, K.V. Mardia and M.J. Langdon (Eds.), Stochastic Geometry, Biological Structure and Images, pp. 13. Department of Statistics, University of Leeds.
- Schmidler SC, Liu JS, Brutlag DL (1999). Probabilistic modeling for protein structure prediction. FASEB Journal, Vol 13 No 7, A1542.