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Associate Professor of Statistical Science
and Computer Science

Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Structural Biology & Biophysics
Duke Center for Systems Biology

Duke University


Publications (All By topic)


Published or in press:


Refereed Abstracts:

  • Schmidler SC, Cooke B (2008). Failure of Replica-Exchange Dynamics to Generate the Boltzmann Ensemble. Biophysical Journal, 94: 2399 (meeting abstract).
  • Sanders GD, Schmidler SC (2007). Effect of HPV Vaccine Characteristics and Implementation Strategies on Incidence of Disease. Medical Decision Making, 28(1): E14.
  • Valiaev A, Lim DW, Chilkoti A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). Polypeptide-Solvent Interactions Measured by Single Molecular Force Spectroscopy. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Valiaev A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). A New Statistical Approach for the Quantitative Analysis of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Data. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Valiaev A, Lim DW, Chilkoti A, Schmidler SC, Zauscher S (2005). Protein-Solvent Interactions in Surface-Grafted ELPs Measured by Single Molecular Force Spectroscopy. American Vacuum Society (AVS) 52nd International Symposium and Exhibit, Boston, MA.
  • Schmidler SC (2004). Bayesian shape matching and protein structure alignment. In Bioinformatics, Images, and Wavelets, edited by Akroyd, RG, Barber, S, and Mardia KV. Proceedings of LASR 2004, Leeds Univeristy Press, Leeds, UK.
  • Schmidler SC (2004). Bayesian shape matching and protein structure alignment. Institute of Mathematical Statistics/Bernoulli Society 6th World Bernoulli Congress
  • Schmidler SC (2003). Stochastic Models for Non-Local Interactions in Biopolymer Sequences. Royal Statistical Society Theme Conference on Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics
  • Schmidler SC (2003). Statistical Shape Analysis of Protein Structure Families. In R.G. Aykroyd, K.V. Mardia and M.J. Langdon (Eds.), Stochastic Geometry, Biological Structure and Images, pp. 13. Department of Statistics, University of Leeds.
  • Schmidler SC, Liu JS, Brutlag DL (1999). Probabilistic modeling for protein structure prediction. FASEB Journal, Vol 13 No 7, A1542.